Tik tokin

Hey guys welcome back to another blog post. This is a humanities post but this is not an unit end post but a milestone post. This post is the fifth milestone for our newest humanities project, straight flowing while I’m scrolling. The driving question for this project is “How can we use current memes to comment on the significance and consequences of nationalism around the world?”  Now that you know a bit of background information about this milestone and project We can get into this

The first milestone for this project this project was a a short little assignment. This was a form that we had to fill out. In this form we had to fill out what we knew about, nationalism, memes, and historical significance. We also had to put on the form what questions we had about each subject. The competencies being assessed were “EN 9: Communicate – How do I share my own ideas when I write, speak, and represent? SS 9: Establish Historical Significance – How do we evaluate evidence to decide if is adequate to support a historical conclusion? SS 9: Analyze Cause and Consequence – Who or what influenced events to occur and what were the consequences of those events?” I feel the task for milestone one was not to complicated so I did what I needed to do and filled out the form.

The second milestone for  this project was another pretty straightforward task. The task for this milestone was to read and listen and research the Crimean wars and then answer four questions on the topic. The idea was to learn more about nationalism and historical significance. The competency being assessed was “SS 9: Establish Historical Significance – How do we evaluate evidence to decide if is adequate to support a historical conclusion?” I completed my research with this competency in mind and then answered the four assigned questions within the allotted time frame.

The third milestone for this project was a little different. The task for this milestone was to create Three TIK TOK’s and then write a blog post on them and how they relate to recent memes. And what recent meme you chose to do. Well I you want lots of info on this milestone please click the link right here.

The fourth milestone was another pretty straight forward one. This milestone was just like milestone two. The task for this milestone was to research colonization in Europe and then answer the two questions given. The competency being assessed was “SS 9: Establish Historical Significance – How do we evaluate evidence to decide if is adequate to support a historical conclusion?” Again the task was very straight forward but I did use the competency when conducting my research on this topic. Here is a video.

And now, for the final milestone of the project, again like I said it was a very short project. The task for this milestone was to create three memes. Two normal image with caption memes and then one TIK TOK meme. And then make the blog post. These memes had to included a reference to nationalism and historical significance. I used the competencies to make these I hope are funny memes. Anyway, here is my memes.

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