2024 TPOL

2024 TPOL

TPOL Declaration Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner. TPOL 2024 Only a day left of grade 8! Can you…

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Advertising Adventure

Advertising Adventure

Imagine yourself lying on the warm sandy shore of a beautiful beach in Oregon. Your toes running through the soft sand, the salty air brushing through your hair, the soothing sound of waves crashing gently against the shore.  You want to Oregon now, don’t you? Isn’t it crazy how just and sequence of words strung together can make you dream of going somewhere or doing something? This Is called advertising. I have spent the last 2 months learning about, working…

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There is an Army Inside my Body?

There is an Army Inside my Body?

What if I told you there is an entire army living inside your body. That’s right, there is so much more happening inside you then you may think. When you are sick, while you’re lying down, sleeping and watching movies all day, your immune system is in action fighting for your health. Over the past month, we have been learning about cell biology and the immune system, we learned about the cell theory and types of cells, the basic functions…

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Echos of Colonization

Echos of Colonization

Reconciliation is one of the biggest things we should be focusing on as a society today. Have you ever wondered why we are reconciling? Why is rasicm a thing? How did it become a thing? Lucky for you, I have spent the past month working hard to answer this question. What I Created (the keynote) A few weeks ago we were put into groups of three and asked to create a Keynote presentation answering the driving question What are the…

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DI-ing to Get it Done Pt. 2 (Destination Imagination Provincials)

DI-ing to Get it Done Pt. 2 (Destination Imagination Provincials)

Skiing in the arctic, falling through a tree well, an underground society, a spirit from the past, an old engraved vase, a finding that changed the world, ARE YOU GETTING DEJA-VU?! This was my Saturday afternoon yet again! However, this time the stakes were higher because we were presenting in the provincials tournament. What is Destination Imagination Destination Imagination (DI) is a global academic competition. Teams of all ages develop solutions to challenges and present them live at tournaments. To…

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Mid Term Reflections (MPOL)

Mid Term Reflections (MPOL)

My whole life, school has been relatively easy for me, follow the criteria, add a little extra pizzazz, and boom I had myself an an extending. When I stepped into my first PLP class 7 months ago I quickly realized that was not going to be the case. PLP has forced me to fully adapt the way I learn, and I fully believe I have grown as a student because of it.  Statement of Learning “Thank you for coming to…

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DI-ing to Get it Done (Destination Imagination Regionals)

DI-ing to Get it Done (Destination Imagination Regionals)

Skiing in the arctic, falling through a tree well, an underground society, a spirit from the past, an old engraved vase, a finding that changed the world, these were just some of the things I did on my Saturday afternoon.  Why was I on this crazy adventure you ask? I preformed all of these things as a part of my solution for Destination Imagination at the regionals tournament. What is Destination Imagination? Destination Imagination (DI) is a global academic competition….

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Bon Voyage!

Bon Voyage!

Melty, gooey cheese with sweet tomato sauce on a soft warm crust. Can you even imagine your life without pizza?! If European exploration never happened you would have never felt this amazing burst of flavour touch your tounge. This past month I have been learning all about European exploration, and the cause and consequence of it.  My Exploration Production For this project, I was assigned with creating a story about European exploration and the cause and consequence of it, making…

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Restore the Lost Atom

Restore the Lost Atom

OH NO! You lost your pet atom! What if I told you there is a way to get him back? Go through obstacles and restore the lost atom. Sounds fun right? Click here to play it. How to Play Oh no! Your pet atom escaped. Go through obstacles to find the lost atom. You will have to find each part of the atom, the electrons, neutrons, protons, and the nucleus. As you go on the temperature increases making your atom…

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Learning How to Like Poetry

Learning How to Like Poetry

All my life, I have hated poetry with a deep passion. However, this month I learned that it was the basic, cliche, meaningless poems I hated. This month I learned how to like poetry. The Project Words From My Heart Click to read this book, made with Book Creator read.bookcreator.com For this project, we were taught many poetry terms and then tasked with creating eleven poems to help us answer the driving question, How might I write poetry that I…

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