Does This Post Have Enough Birds?

Ok, so as part of our unit on worldview, we’ve been looking at Renaissance worldview and it’s influences on today’s Western worldview.

So we got an assignment to make a triple Venn diagram comparing three teenage mutant ninja turtles.


Ok, so maybe we were actually looking at Renaissance scientists, artists and philosophers. Maybe.

Anyway, my Venn diagram looked something like this:


So, probably not the most helpful thing when I found out the assignment was to draw a picture representing the influence of Renaissance worldview on, you guessed it, today’s Western worldview.

So, I drew this:


What I wanted to represent here was a fairly straightforward concept: the Renaissance was when people, or at least when Europe, began to show more interest in thinking, study, art, and science, all things that are still important to us today.

So, we went through the typical critique process of anonymously sticking post-it notes to each other’s work, or in this case near each other’s work, as we just sort of stuck them to the desks. What we were told to write on the post it note was what we thought the picture we were critiquing was representing, so you could tell if your own picture was conveying what it was supposed to.

This was the post it note I found by my drawing:


Now, I did think the interpretation of what my drawing was showing was pretty accurate. However, I was a little confused by the “needs more birds” comment until I realized it had been written by my science teacher, who had earlier commented on a drawing I was doing in science class depicting the story of Raven stealing the light, as an outline for a science project we’re currently working on.

(I do have this drawing, but it’s covered in notes, so I apologize. Here it is if you want to see it:


I wasn’t really sure how I could add birds into my drawing, but I ended up adding a feather quill into the pen jar on the art book. Because that was definitely the important part of that critique and not the joke…

Other than that, I wasn’t sure how to improve my drawing, so I touched up the picture a little bit, and added a thought bubble showing a shared thought between the Renaisscance and Western worldviews.

Here is my finished product:



Ok, So Mosques Aren’t Jewish…

So I don’t know if I’ve mentioned already, but we’re doing a unit on religion right now. And for part of this unit, we’ve been visiting some different religious sites.

First of all, we went to a Hindu place of worship. As I’m doing a group project on Hinduism right now, I took a lot of pictures.



After that, we visited a few Buddhist temples, in one of which I didn’t take many pictures because I was too busy meditating. We also got to learn a chant but that may has been wasted on me as I’ve already forgotten what it was and what it meant.


We also visited a Sikh temple, where we were served lunch, and even given Rice Krispie squares and– what do you mean this isn’t a blog post about food? Fine then. Back to the religion part. We also got to try meditating in the Sikh temple, and we were told some information about the founding of Sikhism.

Now, the next week, we were set to go to a church and a mosque. So to prepare for this, we did a quick info check to make sure we remembered what religions these corresponded with. It went something like this:

“Okay, so a mosuque is what religion? Yes, Willa?”

“I wanna say Judaism…”


Now, don’t get me wrong. I know that the Jewish place of worship is a Synagogue. But for some reason at that exact moment I thought it was the right answer. Just in case I had any credibility left, I also wore pants with skulls on them into the church and mosque, which may not have been the best decision but they kindly didn’t comment.

So, yeah. I’ll just sneak quietly out of the room now.



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