Case for thee Nation!🇨🇦

So, case for a nation has been completed. This had been a very fun and educational project, and I know your probably thinking “oh you say that every single time you must be faking it just to sound like it was fun” well it’s school, of course it’s not gonna be fun but I was not faking the educational part we learned a ton. I’ll show that to you guys.

We started off doing fun little activities, and when I say fun there I mean it. We had to make a short video kinda like a tiktok following a ‘Canadian check’ tread which was from TikTok. That kinda helped out mine as well as many others historical point of views on how other see Canada. That can be used for many other situations in varying topics so I’m glad we learned that. We also did a two or three day group activity where we were put into small groups, we had to learn about a place, what we have, what we need, what others have etc… After we knew about out place there was a confederation that was offered that we had to sign which would give us materials, benefits, but also things we had to give away. it’s like if we were running a province irl, and it was pretty much a simulation to see if we did good or bad for our place if we were to run it. Personally I think me and my group rocked it and we could be absolutely perfect leaders if we were to be put in a real situation like that (jk) all jokes aside I did well leading my group to success.

Then came the big project that your seeing all the images about. I was given the topic german nationalism which is a very risky topic to have a say and opinion on, but that means it was a good challenge for me. For that challenge I was tasked to make an opinion piece having to stand an event german related, and make an opinion wether it was good or bad thing and why. Every single word I had to watch out for in case it was controversial. That was both a challenge for the german nationalism topic, and my personal writing skills.

From both that opinion piece and my research page I made a caption for an instagram post summarizing my topic from the time period 1840-1875 so pre hitler and pre World War Two (which is kinda what german nationalism is known for). It had to be short but impactful and under 100 words but I was confident in what I wrote, and it only got better after combining it with my groups captions. And there can’t be an insta caption without and insta post and yes we made those too as you can see. Mine is the black and white soldier image with all the singular words  that they are described and and hope to act out as. I did put my two group members photos in here just in case you wanted to see them.

Our driving question was how can an understanding of nationalism of the past, help us make sense of today? You can compare how counties were back in old time periods to how they are today and see all the differences in their nationalism and colonialism. Take Germany as an example, it shows that they are aggressive and will do anything for benefits and power, but it’s up to the leader wether it’s used for good or bad. That comparing aspect can go for many other situations, all you have to do is research. 

Overall this was a huge leap in my work productivity after having a strict work schedule, better organization, and those things made me produce way better quality work that I’m actually proud of. And the best part, it was all on time. That’s what we did and how I feel like it did during this ‘case for a nation’ project, Thank y’all!🇨🇦

(Insta link:

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