This project called “My user manual” was all about how to creatively communicate who you and we did it in a couple different ways but all leading up to the final project which will be at the bottom.

the first way was via a word pack image. What we had to do for this stepping stone was find a couple things that you think deffine you so I did this:

The next steppping stone was really similar to that, we had to use three of the things we had in the image. I chose Student, son and gamer, then I made them into these:

Then we did our User manual outline, for that one I did things a lot the same as how my user manual looks like now but not “exactly” the same. I changed a couple things about it, I will go more into detail below.

My user manual

And then of course THE FINAL DRAFT! every little stepping stone lead up to this. pretty much the things  I changed form the manual outline are: I added a trouble shooting, I added one more setting and I corrected my spelling.


Then comes in my Memoji Laptop Stickers. This was a really fun project where we had to made a memoji, then we thought about what stickers we could put on it that represents us in a way.

This was my first draft:

it was ok but I felt like I could do better, then my peers pointed out to me that I didn’t have enough stickers. So I did this:

I thought it was really good, it had alot of stickers that represented me and on top of that filled up most of the laptop, but then my peers told me to make the placement of the stickers more random. So I did this:

It was done, it perfectly represented me, it took up lots of space and the placement for the stickers was really random. I asked all my peers if there where any other things I could add and they said it was perfect.