PLP Winter Exhibition

  1. Imagine its a Tuesday evening, you are coming home from school, slightly stressed, but no big deal. *PING* Its your phone. Your on the bus, so you get your phone out of your bag, slightly scratching your hand bringing your phone of the third pocket. Its your friends. There all stressing out about this thing tomorrow, the PLP winter exhibition. Oh crud. You completely put it out of your mind. Now remember that thats real life and its not you its me. I’m back and better than ever!

The PLP winter exhibition was before winter break and I’ve had plenty of time to reflect on my experience. A summary of the whole project was that we, as a class and as a program, presented an exceptional experience for the school and the public, that shows off our learning in a deeper way. The grade 11s created a immersive experience in the gym about communism that was pretty epic. The grade 10s wrote and preformed awesome speeches about why it takes a crazy person to change the world. The grade 9s made story-based rooms similar to escape rooms. Those were pretty cool. But now, the piece du resistance, were the grade 8s…

We created posters, stations, food, and learned LOADS about religion with our groups. My group was, Noah, Liam, Meg, and Angelo. We were given different religions to base our project on and made incredible dents in how we thought about worldview. The driving question for the entire grade eights was, “How is religious worldview represented in the real world”. That one sentence will stick with me for the rest of my life. Its like a demon.

Our poster on Hinduism’s worldview was pretty rad. Our process was to start with a first draft. This part was the worst. Its like looking at your empty  future and trying to exact what you want it to look like. Terrifying. So our first draft looked like this:

You can see the annotations on it because we forgot to separate the layers.

Our next draft looked something like the first draft but what you might be realizing is that there’s not a lot of information on this poster…

… so naturally we decided to scrap the entire concept and start again. You can thank Meg for this idea. Pretty genius.

So we started with this concept and expanded it into a pretty great looking poster. Here’s the middle ground between the two.

No writing yet, but that definitely was improved. The images all had to be created by us, so all the pictures were drawn by my group.

And.. TADA our final draft!

We had immensely epic writing and some pretty great images.

Then, the night of, we had loads of people walk thorough and I felt well informed and prepared. I kept finding myself reflecting immediately after talking to someone, and realizing I forgot to mention something. Anyway I was moderately concerned at the beginning but after talking to about two people, that all melted away. I really enjoyed talking to people and realizing that people were actually interested in the topic and thinking about the questions our project proposed.

Overall, I think my group did pretty well. We learned so much and I’m proud of the work we created. I believe that the whole project was an amazing way to learn about worldview and sooo much more exciting  than reading a text book and doing some terrible questions about “WHaT DoeS WoRLd ViEW mEan?” So yes. I have strong opinions and a much deeper grasp of worldview. This assignment was an interesting challenge and proved to me that everything can be improved with time and effort.

– A New And Improved Zoe





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