Like Terms

  • Hello, Hi, Sup, and Hey. Can you guess what topic we are discussing today by that clue? Of course you can, you aren’t dumb and you read the title. Today we are talking about like terms.

The terms we are mentioning today are math terms. Numbers, we’re talking about numbers.

The overall unit was on polynomials and combining them. I worked on the project learning on my own, (watching videos and doing practice questions,) and at school.

More specifically, the project was different to other science projects I’ve done in the past. This assignment let me, a student, decide what my final product was going to be. Some of my classmates in Canada have made some really cool stuff, like Ben, Kaden, and Gabe who made a song using garage band, where the components of the song represented a variable in the equation.

The design criteria for this project (as defined by Mr. Gross):
-The project displays knowledge of polynomials language
-The project shows skills of combining like terms
-Is personalized and authentic
-Has some form of presentation to the class/public

My idea was the result of a two hour bike ride and thinking about something I could do on my own. The final idea was to take a canvas and map out squares. Then, pixilate an image online, using the large pixels as one square on the canvas. Lastly, each colour would fall into one of four categories to make up the variables in the equation: blue, green, brown, and miscellaneous. Blue was the variable b, green was g, brown was w, and miscellaneous was m. While this would produce a somewhat simple final equation, it still would prove my knowledge.

The image I chose was one of my favourites, ever.

They look so smug! I love them!

Now unfortunately, they loose their blobby-smugness, because I have to pixilate them… 🙁

Even more…

Website used was


So now we have our 13×13 image, lets grid up the canvas,

With the canvas ready, I started painting!

  • First few tiles...

Now on the math side, I mapped out what tile corresponded with what variable,

So that meant that our final equation was

44b + 55g + 32w + 38m = pixilated image (FWBH) 

FWBH by the way means Frogs With Birthday Hats.

I learned a lot from this project. I learned that my creative side hasn’t completely gone away after this year. I can still come up with ideas I am excited about and execute them to the best of my abilities. I also learned that math doesn’t suck as much when there isn’t a french man yelling across the room.

So with that we come to our final image and the end of this post! I hope you enjoyed todays post and thank you for reading!

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