Hey people! Welcome back to my blog! As we dive into new, exciting projects this year, I want to take a moment to reflect on our 2024 winter exhibition project, which centered on reconciliation. Reconciliation. You’ve likely heard the word before—on the news, in class, or discussions, especially in Canadian politics. But what does it […]
The Road To Rights
Hey everyone, I’m back! Welcome to my first blog post of grade 11! This year has been full of new courses and exciting beginnings, including PLP B.C. First Peoples 12. For our first big project, we explored a powerful and timely question: How might the acknowledgment of rights impact Indigenous peoples now and in the […]
G’s TPOL 2024 🌻
Wow, can you believe it? Only a few more days left of Grade 10! As I look back on this incredible year, I’m amazed at how much I’ve grown both as a learner and as a person. The PLP Success Behaviours have truly prepared me for the exciting challenges of Grade 11. Let’s dive into […]
Breathing Fire: Facing the Career Dragons
Have you ever watched Dragons’ Den? It’s that TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to wealthy investors. In our latest Careers project, we did something similar—but instead of pitching products, we pitched ourselves to a panel of “dragons.” This journey of self-discovery required us to dig deep, uncover our unique qualities, and learn […]
Soaring To New Heights
D.I. Wow! What an experience! A lot of learners dread Destination Imagination here in PLP. I used to be one of them myself. It causes a lot of stress, and frustration and takes up precious hours of your time. But amidst the challenges lie invaluable lessons and incredible opportunities for personal growth. Let’s rewind […]
Here’s To The Crazy Ones 🥂
Hello lovely readers! Have you ever been called “crazy”? How did you react? Did you take it as an insult or as a compliment? Historically the term “crazy” has had a lot of definitions, most of them negative and often used to marginalize those who dared to think and act differently. Whether it was for […]
On The Burj Of Greatness
D.I. allowed us to take Deep Cove Rap to new heights! 🎤 Rap featured prominently in our set, rhyming and stealing the hearts of the judges. Inspired by the towering grandeur of the Burj Khalifa, these daring individuals embarked on a quest that would redefine the limits of their imagination. But before we delve into […]
Think Different. Go Crazy!
🤪🌀🌎🌿💰🏙️🎨💡🛩️🎸 Hey y’all, welcome back to my blog! Did you know that some of the most significant advancements in our society were driven by individuals deemed ‘crazy’ by conventional standards? Yet it’s these people who end up changing our world: they are the ones who see a need in society that others don’t see and […]
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” That is the question we are asked as kids. What I’ve learned now is that we don’t just become something at some point in life and that’s it. According to Michelle Obama, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. It’s a forward […]
A Treacherous Journey To Justice
Hello, dear readers! Imagine a land where the echoes of history resonate through time, revealing tales of discrimination and resilience. That’s precisely where our journey takes us today. Buckle up as we navigate through the labyrinthine alleys of British Columbia’s overlooked legacy in our recent Humanities project, the Ology of Apology. As we explored our […]