Science the game!! (Or maybe it’s a subject??)


Welcome back to my blog! This time I’m back because we have finished a new project in science! We have learned so many things in so little time, whether it is what we’re made out of, what happens to ice when it melts, and why or why not gummy bears get bloated in different water temps and types. But first, lets talk about what we did to learn the info for this project. 

During the month of April we learned many things. We learned about matter, and how it makes up all objects, including living things. To add a little bit of math we learned how to calculate an object’s volume using its mass and density, or vice versa. Then we learned how to make qualitative and quantitative observations. 

Next we touched up on the states of matter, focusing on how the temperatures put them through changes (kinetic molecular theory).  

Using an experiment to help make it fun and interactive, the next thing we learned about was diffusion. The steps for the experiment were, multiple bags of gummy bears and a whole lot of sugar loving teens. So, now you have your sugar loaded teens and less gummy bears than expected, just kidding we didn’t have tooooo manyyy. You basically take the gummy bears and put them in water of different temperature or carbonation, and leave them in the water for a day and observe the results! 

Finally to sum up all of the things we learned, we created a video game. We could pick anything we learned to be our theme, for example I picked a game inspired by t-rex run. First you start with an ice cube and it has to jump over objects to go to round 2 which is liquid. Then same thing with liquid to gas. If you make it through the gas level you win the game. It relates to the states of matter, and the acceleration of the particles compared to the heat they are exposed to. 

Thanks for reading my blog post!!

-Ailie 💜

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