For science 8, we used lots of different scientific equipment to answer the driving question which was, “ How can our knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?”

Keystone 1:

For our first keystone, we used microscopes, Petri dishes with agar which is like a seaweed flavoured jello type thing. We also used cotton swabs. We tested different surfaces, one which we thought was cleaner and the other we thought was dirtier. Once we added the bacteria to the Petri dish with agar, we waited for it to grow mold. To my surprise, they both grew the same amount of mold to the naked eye. I noticed  lots of types of mold. This was super fun to see!


We also made a keynote presentation about the whole process in more detail.


Keystone 2:

For our Second keystone, we made character cards. This was a fun way to talk about cells and their purposes in your body.

These are my 5 character cards I made!

Keystone 3:

For our third keystone, we talked about being bias. I learned that it is really important not to be bias because it could result in wrong information. With all of our knowledge, we made a poster about long term side affects from vaccines. This is something that sometimes has a bias opinion about it. We found reliable sources and did some research.

here is my poster we made on an app called Canva:

Finish line:

In our Finnish line, we finally gathered all our knowledge and evidence and made a public health poster for kids in elementary school.

here is my public health poster:

(I got inspiration from the book series called “little miss”)

Over all, i really liked this science project. My favorite part was using the microscopes and finding bacteria in different things. This was probably one of my favourite projects in science I have ever done.

Thank You!




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