What is a Story of Hope?
In times of turbulence, hope is a light at the end of a tunnel, a source of motivation for individuals to keep fighting and is a crucial component of human survival and well-being. However, to truly know “hope”, you need to learn and develop a deep understanding into it’s components; resilience, survival and adversity.
Personally, resilience is my favourite. Resilient people have the ability to improvise with what’s at hand, a deep belief that life is meaningful and a staunch acceptance of reality. With these three key aspects, you have the ability to grow this muscle and allow it to become a mindset that is deeply ingrained into your mind and soul. In reading numerous examples of individuals who faced forms of adversity such as losing a limb in a shark attack or having cancer, I noticed that these people were truly good people. At least, they became that way afterwards. Jasan Zimmerman Bethany Hamilton and Blake Haxton use what they experienced as a way to inspire and motivate others, by showing that it’s possible to come out of struggle. However, it was importantly noted in How Resilience Works that resilience is not an ethically good or bad characteristic. In fact, “bad” people could possess this characteristic as well.

During spring break, I visited Alcatraz, the ultimate maximum security prison of it’s time. During my visit, I came to learn about a certain escape that blows my mind. In June 1962, three inmates shimmied through a hole they’d chiseled into the walls of the prison over the course of several months. Additionally to mask their escape, they had placed in their bunks realistic-looking dummy heads they had made out of papier-mâché and human hair from the prison’s barber shop. What they had done must have taken months to plan and execute, but their resilience kept them going and allowed them to improvise with what they had.
Opposed to a mere challenge, adversity is a difficult, typically life-altering situation that puts immense stress on an individual. Adversity is not exactly something you can avoid in life, but that’s a good thing; it plays a key role in shaping a person’s character by providing opportunities for personal growth and learning, if you’re willing to let it have that effect towards you. As evidenced by the stories of Bethany Hamilton, Jasan Zimmerman and Blake Haxton, the effect of near-death experiences have an especially life and mind-altering effect on individuals. Facing a form of adversity such as losing your legs to save your life allowed Blake to view his life in a different light; as a get to, not as a have to. Thus, he began helping others and giving back to the world that kept him alive by raising awareness about his struggles in TEDTalks to allow others to view their own lives in a different light by becoming more grateful for what they have.

Survival is the ability to continue living despite difficult conditions and adversity, it involves adapting to one’s environment, making quick and effective decisions, and overcoming obstacles to ensure one’s own well-being. This has been particularly evidenced through Bethany Hamilton’s experience. Bethany’s survival skills were put to the test when she was attacked by a shark while surfing. Despite losing her arm in the attack, she was able to overcome her physical and mental challenges to return to the sport she loved and inspire others with her story of resilience and determination. Soul Surfer demonstrates that humans can thrive even in the face of devastating events, showcasing human nature. The way Bethany dealt with this traumatic event is an example of what psychologists call “post traumatic growth” which is the ability to derive positive benefits from adversity. This means that individuals who have experienced trauma can develop resilience and find new opportunities for growth and meaning in their lives.
Humans by birth have the natural instinct to survive in situations of adversity and continue to be resilient throughout. These three components however, could not be possible without hope. Stories of hope are like a breath of fresh air, proof to other individuals that no matter how hard it may be to accept, the adversity you face in your lifetime is a key component to reaching a kind, grateful, happy and resilient persona.