Mind Over Matter!

In this science unit I learned a lot.

Keystone 1: In what ways do we interact with and describe matter?

In Keystone  we learned about: what is matter, chemical and physical properties, and quantitative and qualitative observations. After learning all about these things, we got to make a “Who am I?”. A “Who am I?” is describing on object using physical properties, chemical properties, quantitative observations, and qualitative observations, so that someone can guess what your object is. I picked a block of wood.

I really enjoyed this project, getting to make the “Who am I” was really easy to make. I really enjoyed the math component, finding the mass,  volume, and density.

Keystone 2: How does the kinetic molecular theory contribute to different states of matter?

In keystone 2 we learned about: the different states of matter and how they change, diffusion and osmosis, and the kinetic molecular theory. All of this lead to my favourite project, the gummy bear diffusion. For this project we created our own question, came up with our own procedure, and the recorded our observations to answer the question we made. This was a group project, so I got to do it with my two friends Sydnee and Ailie! Our question was “Do different temperatures and types of water effect the rate of diffusion?”. 

This project was really fun, I love hand-on experiments. This was definitely my favourite project of this unit.

Keystone 3/Final Project: 

In keystone 3 we learned about: atoms and the structure of one. I liked this part a little less, just because it confused me. The project was fun though, we made a video game! We used scratch, and had to make a video game that reflected the knowledge we gained throughout our entire unit. My video game was a true or false game, which was pretty easy to make.

Overall, this science unit was really good. I’m not the best at science, so it always makes me really happy when I finally understand. I learned a lot and feel more confident in my science abilities.

Try my video game ⬇️!

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