Step Down Gabbie Hanna, Theres A New Poet In Town

Hello, over the past month we’ve been working on a poetry book for the Working With Words project. What you above is my ebook. This book features 11 poems about me and my worldview. If that sounds familiar thats because we’ve done a worldview project last year, which you can read about here.

Throughout the project we were building up a list of poetry terms, and practicing identifying them in poems our teachers gave us. This was our final poetry list:

Set One:

  1. Simile (Comparison between 2 unlike things)
  • As
  • Look
  • Than
  • “The wolf was a fast as a jet”

2. Cliché (Overused expression)

  • “The early bird gets the worm”
  • “Once upon a time”

3. Rhyme Scheme

– Pattern of sound

4. Metaphor (Comparison between 2 unlike things)

– Is 

5. Free Verse (Unconventional rhyme scheme)

Set Two:

6. Haiku (3 lines, 3-5-3 syllables)

  • “lightning hit the barn

It was aimed at a bottle

The barns in ashes”

7. Juxtaposition (Change is the set image)

– “The flowers fell to the floor, they burnt to flames”

8. Found Poem (Poem created by taking words, phrases, passages (?), and turning them into poetry. Change lines, add / delete text, give a new meaning)

Set Three:

9. Imagery (Using words describe and create a mental image in the readers head)

  • Use the 5 senses to appeal to reader

10. Mood (The feeling the reader gets)

11. Repetition (repeating images, phrases, schemes, words, meaning, sounds, rhythms, rhymes)

12. Alliteration (Words that repeat consonants)

  • Working with Words
  • Tongue Twisters

13. Assonance (Words that repeat vowels)

  • deep green

Set Four:

14. Onomatopoeia (The formation of a word or a sound associated with the word)




15. Denotation (Literal dictionary definition of a word)


16. Connotation (Emotional feeling of a word)


Set Five:

17. Theme (Life lesson, meaning, moral, or message about life or human nature that is communicated by a literary work)

Set Six:

18. Personification (Assigning human attributes and interactions to non-human things)

As I said, we were tasked with describing our perception of the world through poems, often given prompts for which poetic devices to use. These were all a challenge, but got progressively easier as time went on.

There were 3 main keystones in this project to make sure we had a good final product:

  1. Finding Creativity And Joy In Poetry
  2. Comprehending Poetry To Make Meaning
  3. Using Creativity, Joy, And Meaning To Create Effective Texts

You should know fore context that we did this whole project in 16 days, it would have been longer but we got a week off school because of omicron spikes. Nevertheless we did still did it, which is quite a feat. 

I could summarize this project into 10 words:

Learn the poetry

Write a lot of poetry

Present poetry

Thats not technically true as we also had to make the ebook. The ebook had a complementary text for each poem (an image, video, gif,) that deepens the understanding of the poem. As well as an audio meaning statement, a literal statement on how each poem connects to my worldview.

Lets answer the driving question for this project: “How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?”

Well lets define text within multimedia (Im choosing multimedia because of the complementary texts): Text is any graphic (drawing, words/symbols) that can be consumed in any way (visually or audibly). 

So how do I show myself? Well I cant show myself if I don’t understand myself, which was a big part of this project. Worldview is all about what makes me, me. If I don’t know that then I wouldn’t know how. I learnt to construct text that shows me through trial and error, I found I express myself better through metaphors and imagery then literally. I found out I cant express myself in haikus because they’re too short to add any depth to them. So in order to show you’re self through self-constructed text, you need understand yourself and how you want to present yourself, both of which take time.

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