Blogging Challenge Day 9: Holiday

This blogging challenge is about acknowledging what different holidays or family celebrations you celebrate. My main task is to complete two out of the four tasks that were represented. I chose to demonstrate ‘photo spark’ and ‘holiday poem’. The holiday that I will be focusing on will be a holiday that is probably the most important of all…Christmas!!!

The reason why I love Christmas is because I like to share a joyful time of my year with my family. The other reason why I love Christmas is because I get presents! I do realize that this is a pretty selfish topic, but in my opinion I like to wrap presents for other people more than opening presents for myself. Here is a photo of some of the presents that I had at my house during the Christmas of 2020:


(this is only half of the presents)

This photo ties into a tradition that came from my dad’s side of my family. This Christmas tradition is having a bunch of presents under the Christmas tree. The reason why there are so many presents are because when my dad was younger he would have all of his family gather in one house to open presents. All of these people resulted in an action of many present because each person would buy one present for every other person. The main reason why my me and my close family have so many presents is to bring back the past passion of Christmas into our current holiday. 


I also find this photo important because it shows how Christmas is a holiday that makes you connect to happy events in your childhood (I say this, but I’m a child 😆). Connect to my to fun past events is significant to my thought of Christmas because without past events I wouldn’t be who I am today.

The second half of this blogging challenge is to create a poem. I’ve decide to write an acrostic poem. The poem is about what Christmas is to me. Here is the Christmas based poem:

Caring continues constant carefree coolness 

Heart and sole

Roses resemble respect

It’s a jolly time of year

Smiles state so special 

The sources of family 

Most magnificent moments

Always brings togetherness 

Snow shows a symbol of light 

The reason why I feel I should have shown the content that I did in the poem is because it displays how I believe Christmas is defined by. I tried to included a relatable poem that could easily represent a general idea of christmas. I’m quite proud of this poem because I clearly spread a meaning throughout it.                                                                                               

Those are the two most relative challenges to me because I feel they are the best way to display the meaning of Christmas. I know it’s not Christmas but remember to keep a jolly sprit! 🎄 

What’s your favourite holiday?

– Alicia 😄

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