About Me

Hello I’m Alicia and this is a bit about me…

So, I’m in a program called the Performance Learning Program. I’ve built a lot of skills from this program that somewhat connect to so aspects of me outside of school. 

I really enjoy being creative, which is one of the reasons I joined PLP in the first place. I find light in activities that let me experience fun way to showcase myself. After joining PLP I really unlocked a sense of creativity and I also learnt that I was really good at communicating. This led to me deciding to use my time outside of school to sell bracelet and textiles I made.

I even built skills from projects, such as Medium is the Message, to create advertisements for my company.  

In addition to my creative side, I also think the sports I do contribute to why I enjoy PLP. In my sports I always stride to be a leader, which is something I do in PLP as well. I’ve also learnt the importance of critical thinking and how it can be applied to many aspects of strategizing in sports. I play hockey, karate, and softball. In many projects we’ve done I’ve showcased my love of softball.

I did this throughout a silent film with my peer and teammate, Hannah. 

This year, I created a podcast about softball.

Although I have a lot going on in my life, I always seem to find a way back to entertainment. In my grade 8 year, my first year in the program, I started to really enjoy reading. In my grade 9 year I even made a poem out of a quote for a project called “Working With Words” from a book I read called “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” (visible on page five of the eBook).  

In addition to reading I also really like listening to music. I like the whole 80s era and early 90s rock, also including new wave. When I was younger I made a spontaneous decision to become a drummer, similarly to my decision to join PLP. 

Here is a playlist I created with some of my favourite songs.

In addition to my work outside of school I’ve definitely grown with school. I’ve done many projects, which you can view throughout this blog. To highlight the aspects of my journey I think best represent myself, here’s a short film about my learning.