🌷My Tpol 2023!🌷

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”



Welcome to my Tpol! 

Now that I have done my Mpol and you know what it is, I will be presenting my Tpol. This stands for transitional presentation of learning. It is similar to my Mpol but I am going to be answering a different driving question:

Our Driving Question:

Why do I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade level?

Circular competences:

Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Oral Communication, Quantitative Literacy, and Written Communication.

Core competences:

Creativity, communication, critical, thinking, collaboration citizenship, and connectivity for future education.

At the beginning of the year I didn’t really know what to expect from PLP. I knew that we would work on iPads and they were field studies, but I did not know anything else I didn’t even know we had Mpols and Tpols!

This year has taught me so much! I am happy I have a got to be in this fun program. I think that I am ready to go onto grade 9 because I have learnt many things in PLP and I feel ready to advance to next year. I have met many new people this year and they are fortunately are all going to be in PLP next year! A great way for me to get to know more people was field trips, for example, the start of the year, even though this wasn’t part of PLP I met many new people at outdoor school! I think because you stay in the same cabin as someone you get to know them better. Same thing, like when we went to Oregon for example, I was friends with some of these people, but we weren’t super close but after Oregon we became a lot closer and got to know each other better!

I drew this willow tree because it represents my growth as a learner this year. Willow trees are large trees with long, flowing branches and leaves, the willow tree often symbolizes flexibility, and adaptability. And I think I have had to adapt this year going into high school and I will need to continue to adapt as i continue to grow and learn next year. The branches also represent my growth and new skills I’ve learnt as well as the roots resembling important things that I will use later in life.

A project I am am the least proud of is our precision chart, even though I loved the project we did about advertising for the Hatfield marine science center. Some of the work we did after was not my favourite.

I think this was because I did it a bit messy and I was under stress it was also a bit complicated with a sub.

I could’ve improved this by giving myself more time to work on it and I also could’ve done it better by being less messy and engaging more. I feel I am much better at things that I find interesting example if I am doing a project interests me I am much more likely for me to do better and spend more time on it.

 Oregon trip and advertising

One of my favourite things I’ve done this year in PLP is definitely going to Oregon. I learned many things there and it was a great experience. (to read more about that you can go to my blog post about it.)

What did I find most boring?

Though this wasn’t a project it was a keystone, I found that the who am I science was not my favourite. Since I do not like math and it’s kind of confusing to me. The reason I don’t is because I like to be creative, and subjects like a math tend to not be my favourite. I like projects where I can be creative like the advertisements we did in Oregon. I think the reason I like the Oregon trip so much and the project we did was because we could think outside the box and we could basically do whatever we wanted it to our ads. Things like math on the other hand you cannot do that you have to stay in a box with the rules. It’s just black and white. This is why I love subjects and projects like our advertising ones.

What does my work reveal about me a learner?

I would like to say that I am creative and I say this because I love art and I love thinking outside of the box. Some evidence to this would be my Pandora’s box for the winter exhibition and many people that I presented it to said I was very creative and they loved my detailed boxes! Another example are some of the projects we have done as well as maker and working on my advertisement for Oregon. My creativity really forms when we are doing crafty projects like the Pandora’s box and projects similar to that .

I would love to do more projects like this in the future since I find that they are super fun and lets me be more artistic.

Projects like this help me explore both my circular and core competencies like creativity, and creative thinking.

Skills have I needed to develop:

Throughout PLP I have needed to develop new skills than what I used in elementary school. 

Learning to use my iPad

When I first started, PLP I was not very good with technology and I still am not that advanced but, PLP has helped me learn many new things with iPads, and other skills for example, before I began PLP I didn’t even know how to copy and paste! Now I would like to say that I have become better with technology but I can definitely continue to grow my knowledge on using technology, since it will used in my future.

Revisions and critique:

I have had to do quite a few revisions this year but I am happy I did! Revisions and critiques from both peers and teachers has helped me improve my work to its full potential. Without my revisions I wouldn’t be able to get the grades I was reaching for this year.

An example of me getting revisions is during our process of making ads for the Hatfield Marine science center. I had to make many drafts for this project because we wanted our ads to turn out as best as possible. I think revisions and critique help me allot because even if they are annoying you can always improve on everything you do.

Here are some of the drafts I did to get my final advertisement:


I think a great thing about PLP is that you can keep revising your work till it’s the best it can be. So you can get the best grade possible that you will be happy with.

I think this is a good skill to have in life and I think this skill set will help me be prepared for grade 9.

Here was my learning plan!

I think I have reached my learning goals this year, and I will make sure to set higher goals for myself next year so I won’t have to change my learning plan again.

I think I am ready and exited for grade nine. It will be different not being the youngest in the school anymore. I also am really looking forward to the Alberta field trip that the grade 9’s get to do. If a younger student was asking me if they should apply to PLP I would definitely recommend it because I believe that we have learnt more than the people doing the regular program. I would say that it’s more interesting work and also that you get to choose how you want to learn and how to present your learning. I’m happy that I got into PLP and is looking forward to develop into a more sophisticated learner and person.

Thank you for listening to my TPOL!

Oregon field study!🐙

Before I had the opportunity to go to Oregon I didn’t really know what to expect as I did not know much very about the United States and I had only been there once before this trip. I did not expect that Oregon which is a 8 hour drive away to be similar to many  places that we have here, mind you some places were also very different; like the fist ever bench we went to had a sandy beach with sand dunes but again there were also many places there that looked pretty similar to the north shore. One thing that shocked me was that it was a lot colder than in Oregon than in Vancouver at the time which is weird because we live further north than Oregon.

I learned so many things in Oregon that we documented all in a journal that is right here up here👆

Some of my biggest takeaways from this trip are:

Hatfield marine science center!

During one of our visits at the center we had the opportunity to go to the beach to suck up shrimp with these interesting suction devices. It was super cool to learn about them that we were finding, as well as the experiments we did with them after we measured the shrimp to see if females or males were larger. This capturing part was interesting to me because I had never seen that being done before and it was cool to learn how to do it. It was also fun when we caught our first shrimp because our first few tries were fails but when we practiced our technique, we got better and we ended up catching lots of shrimp in the end! We even caught five shrimp in one try! This is what the tolls looked like that we used.👇


Speaking of the Hatfield marine science center this was also the company I made an advertisement for, as well as interviewing a person from their company. By doing this interview, I learned that the center is unique because they offer hands on  learning and an experience to learn about Oregon and its gorgeous coast. They also give you an amazing experience by seeing the octopus and other sea animals living in Oregon. The Center is unique because it offers opportunities to be able to see things you don’t normally see; like fish and skeletons of marine animals. They make a positive impact by giving education for everyone in a fun and innovative way, as well as letting parents see their kids grow and learn in a fun and interactive way. Hatfield marine science centre also gives awareness for nature and marine biology not only with their awesome visitor center but also by the experiments they do in the lab with marine animals and college students. Hatfield Marine Science Centre loves to see people all ages, come and visit their visitor centre where they can learn about organs costs!

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Another cool  thing that we saw was the shipwreck that we visited on our  the first night. Even though we’re just playing around on the beach I found the shipwreck to be super interesting, and I was really shocked when we went to the Columbia River Maritime museum that there was a whole section about that ship and items from it. I thought this was really interesting as there was even a book showing photos of how the ship had eroded over time. The ship was called peter Iredale and is located in the fort Stevens state park.



Speaking of Fort Stevens, another interesting thing about Fort Stevens was visiting. The actual fort. This visit was really cool because we got a tour of the underground part of it where they kept the gun battery during World War II it was really neat because there was a lot to see and it was sort of like a maze. It was also really cold down there and we learned that there was actually a fire down there but no one tried to save the bunkers, so all that was left was the concrete walls. We learned that it was liveable down there and that there was wood on some of the walls and beds were the workers would sleep. They also had special rooms for cannons and gun powder. I learned that when the Japanese shot at the fort from a ship 17 times but missed! The fort did not fire back because they did not want to give away their location.( since you can’t see it from the water.) We also learned how they would fire the guns and we even got to look around in the Fort museum.


However My biggest takeaway from this field trip was Yaquina head Lighthouse and beach. This was a really cool place because we got to go tide pooling with Miss Kadi! This was a really fun way to learn since there were so many interesting animals to see in the tide pools, and we even got to see baby seals! There was also a super cool cave by the beach that we got to go inside. I loved exploring the sea here and it was a really fun day! We also got to do a quest which helped me with my teamwork and figuring out things as a group. It was amazing because when we got to the top of the hill there was an incredible view of the gorgeous beach and ocean with people surfing!

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In conclusion I have learned more during this field study than i would have if it was just another regular week at school. Learning outside the classroom is so much more interesting because you really get to experience things in real life instead of just reading about it. I also got to know the people in my program a lot better and I feel like we have come together as team. I am looking forward to doing a lot more field studies in PLP next year. 🤍