Ralph Abernathy…Who?

Recently we were asked to create this thing called a Great Big Story. If you don’t know what a Great Big Story is, it’s basically a short informative video that is on a topic you may be familiar with but it tells you something you didn’t know about it, or a little fact you wouldn’t have known. And maybe you are thinking, wow Great Big Story is such a good name. Ya I thought so too, until our lovely teacher decided to change it… These short videos that were once called Great Big Stories.. Are now call, wait for it, Little Big Stories. What kind of a name is that? Well anyways, nothing I can do about it now.


These Little Big Stories we are talking about are meant to be creatively done and interesting to watch, even if the topic may not seem interesting. We were ask to create two of these videos, one the connected to the Civil Rights Movement. This one we were meant to get all our information from the Southern trip we went on in the middle of May.  And the second one we were meant to complete was a “Human Interest” one. Practically it could be on anything you wanted.  


For my first Civil Rights Little Big Story I chose to do mine on Ralph Abernathy. You are probably thinking, “Who the heck is Ralph Abernathy?” Well that’s exactly what my video is about! I wanted to drive into someone who was always shaded by someone else but did so much, that they should have received more credit and recognition. And Ralph was the perfect guy!


I first heard about Ralph Abernathy when I was learning about the Civil Rights Movement in school. I had never heard the name before, but I kept hearing it everything we talked about Martin Luther King Jr. I wanted to learn more Ralphs connection with MLK and why no one knew his name.


If you want to see who Ralph Abernathy was and how he was connected to the Civil Rights Movement. Watch my video below…Hope you enjoy!


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