January 2023

You are browsing the site archives for January 2023.



Hello! Welcome to another blog post! This one is about science, and my last science blog for grade 9! This post is all about electricity, operation (the board game), and a hungry pumpkin??? This project was all about electricity and circuits. We started this project learning about circuits, how they work, and the difference between […]

Rollercoaster Challenge

Hello! I made a roller coaster out of random materials with a group! I was with Frankie, Francis and Ronan, and we designed and built a roller coaster out of tape and toilet paper cardboard rolls! After making our first one, our teacher said that it didn’t look like a roller coaster and told us […]

Stop! Motion

Hello! I made 3.5 stop motions! I’ll tell you more about it! I had to make 1 stop motion with a partner based off of a video. I was with Callum, and we based it off this video link We filmed ours, but when we needed to edit, Callum edited while I made 4 stop […]

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