Hey guys, this blog post is going to be somewhat of a different style of blog posts. This is the first weekly reflection on my blog. A weekly reflection is simple. It’s me reflecting on what I’ve learned over the last week. This week, we started our new project called The Greatest Canadian. Everything we’ve learned this week has been about this project and about Canadians who are considered great.

This week, I learned that our project is about The Greatest Canadian. For our project, we have to look at different significant people and decide who is a great Canadian and who is worth remembering. To do this, we have to determine what the word great means. What makes someone great? Through this project, we’re going to have to look at stories of people who are great and in the end choose who we think is a great Canadian.

To learn more about what it means to be a great Canadian, we looked at some of the great Canadians. There were examples of Canadians such as Alexander Graham Bell, Pierre Trudeau, and Terry Fox. We decided to look deeper into Terry Fox’s life and why he is considered a great Canadian. One reason is that Terry Fox inspired so many people across the world. Now, people around the world are running for terry to raise money for cancer. Below I have some notes that I wrote down from watching a video on Terry Fox’s life.


This is the end of my weekly blog post. This has been a pretty good start to our project. I’m starting to get a better understanding of what it means to be a great person. With this information, I’m now going to better be able to determine someone I think is great. Hope to see you next week for week 2 of my weekly blog posts.