“You’re a wizard, Ari.”

Category Maker

🎥 Manifesting My Inner Social Media Influencer 💅 ✨

“I wish I had known about this project four months in advance so I could have gotten addicted to social media.” – is a sentence I never thought would leave my mouth. However, if PLP has taught me anything, it’s… Continue Reading →

🎬 Your First Film: The COVID-19 Pandemic & Youth… and IMPACT!💥

Video… Movie… Film.  As we learned during a previous project, titled “Vibrant Video“, there are certain differences between the aforementioned words. Our focus during this Maker project was on creating a film. More specifically, we were to create a documentary… Continue Reading →

🎥 Vibrant Video

I am a master of many trades, and video editing is not one of them… yet. Essentially, our latest Maker project was about video. Personally, I was pushed outside of my comfort zone a lot these past few weeks. I… Continue Reading →

7️⃣ Believe in Good: The 7 Habits

I am convinced PLP has cursed me to be an eternal hunchback. These past few weeks, I have found myself hunching over my iPad drawing comics, editing videos, reading books… and worst of all, writing summative blog posts. My neck… Continue Reading →

🔬 Destination Imagination 2022: Up Close And Personal

Destination Imagination (DI) is a global, innovative, STEAM-focused community whose mission is to inspire youth through the creative process. Teams enrolled in DI work together to develop solutions to various STEAM centric challenges. These past few months, various PLP classes… Continue Reading →

Growth Mindset!

  Source. “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein A growth mindset is a way of thinking that could help expand your potential in daily activities. From what I understand, people with a… Continue Reading →

Art! Art! Art!

Greetings! As mentioned in my previous posts, our class has been working on the Student Blogging Challenge. For Day 10, we have been given a free choice! In other words, this means we have the opportunity to blog about a topic… Continue Reading →


Warm mugs of hot chocolate, the slight chill of morning frost, and bells ringing with joy… Christmas is truly my favourite time of the year.  “Wait a moment… It’s the beginning of March, not the holiday season!” That is indeed… Continue Reading →

Nolan’s Journey to Frog Land – An Emoji Story

Ah yes, emojis. For Day 7 of the Student Blogging Challenge 2021, we were tasked to write a story based off of emojis. The emojis we had to write a story based off of were randomly chosen using a site… Continue Reading →


Hello there! For Day 6 of the Student Blogging Challenge 2021, our class was required to write about three music related topics inside a blog post. Music is everywhere. It’s a universal and important part of culture that people around… Continue Reading →

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