“You’re a wizard, Ari.”

Category Scimatics


It is June 22, 2022 at 6:23am. The last day of school. You still haven’t finished your final blog post of the year. How can we predict our finances for the future? Hello, internet! In our final Scimatics project for… Continue Reading →

🌱 Meiosis Models

hEYYY GUYS, WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER BLOG POST! IT’S YO GUY HERE, PAIN-IN-THE-BRAIN. (Nickname courtesy of Fraser.) Recently, in Scimatics, our class has been the poor victims of a rather disturbing topic, otherwise known as REPRODUCTION. Imagine learning about reproduction, making… Continue Reading →

🛠 Metaphor Machines

Metaphor Machines: the latest torture method I have been subjected to. Thankfully, I somehow managed to survive our most recent Scimatics project. A lot of the focus during this project was placed upon learning about electricity, creating a Rube Goldberg… Continue Reading →

🎮 Chemistry Stories

How do the electron arrangements of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds? The electron arrangements of atoms determine how atoms bond with one another. Due to the Octet rule, atoms want to have a full… Continue Reading →

📊 Correlation VS. Causation

Throughout our latest Scimatics project, our PLP 9 class has studied different aspects of surveys, and the difference between correlation and causation. A majority of my fellow classmates worked in pairs for this task, though I ended up working independently…. Continue Reading →

Game of Exponent Laws!

When I first learned about the Order of Operations in 5th or 6th grade, we were always told to skip over the “E” in “BEDMAS”. As you can see, it stands for “exponents”, though I hadn’t truly understood what those… Continue Reading →

Comic Cells: The Adventures of Tom and the Influenza Virus

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you might remember how I started my previous post with the sentence: “Geometry… an utterly terrifying and confusing concept used to terrorize school children.” At the time, I had thought it… Continue Reading →

Ultimate Design Challenge!

Geometry… an utterly terrifying and confusing concept used to terrorize school children. In other words, our PLP 8 class has been learning about calculating the surface area and volume of various 3D objects. Our driving question for this project was:… Continue Reading →

Chemistry Coding

During this project, I have learned a very important lesson… matter matters.  These past few weeks, we have discussed in class the Kinetic Molecular theory and the Atomic theory. Our goal was to show our knowledge by coding a Scratch… Continue Reading →

Laser Laws

“How can we test the pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection?” was a question that had confused me to no end at the start of this project. After all, how can I test something when I didn’t even know… Continue Reading →

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