Here it is, the blog post for my last project of the year! “Impact” was not only the focus of this project, but also the name of the spring exhibition where we presented them. The Project By the end we had to create a portrait of a person from our community who made an impact. […]
Last TPoL

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]
Changing People’s Minds

Hi blog! In one of my last few projects of this year, I was told to persuade someone of something. More specifically, I was asked the driving question, “How can I use my voice to effect change?” If you would like to find out what me persuading someone of something looks like, check out this […]
“Stars, hide your fires!”- Macbeth
Hi blog! I have a new story to tell you about a project that includes everything from learning the story of an overly ambitious Scottish murderer to playing a vengeful 1950’s woman in our class’s movie. (Driving Question) Yes, a movie! This project where the whole class had to work together on one final film […]
Mid-Year Presentation of Learning

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]
My most poetic playlist:

Why do you like the songs you listen to? For me, I listen to certain songs because they sound nice, they bring me back to a certain time, or they fit with whatever mood I’m in. In a recent and really interesting project, I learned to appreciate different songs for their poetic devices that allow […]
Art & the Atomic Bomb

At the beginning of a recent project, all I knew is that it would involve the atomic bomb and art. I was very excited to see where this project would go, and I hope you are too because now the project is done and I’ve reflected on it all in this post. I spend lots […]
Literary Criticism piece on Hiroshima

“His memory, like the world’s, was getting spotty.” That is the final sentence of Hiroshima by John Hersey, referring to the memory of a hibakusha– atomic bomb affected person. I started this post with that carefully worded quote to highlight a consistent theme in the book: Memory. The original final chapter (chapter four, before the […]
A Historically Significant Computer

In BBC’s “The Bomb”, a podcast we are currently listening to in class, a specific quote caught my attention. “We view historical events with the knowledge of what’s coming”. ”We view historical events with the knowledge of what’s coming” – BBC’s The Bomb Why did this quote stand out to me? Well, it reminded me […]
DIY (Hypothetical) Political Party Tutorial

One good way of gaining an understanding and appreciation for something, is to do it yourself. Become a gardener and you’ll know a bunch of stuff about plants, and have a new appreciation for nature. Learn to sew and you’ll understand how your clothes are put together, and value them a whole lot more. Create […]