This Vibrant Videos project felt a lot like a project I did in grade 8, BLJ (Big Life Journal). In both projects we learned a lot about ourselves and had to think about the kind of path we wanted to take in life. In the BLJ project we filled out a big book, but in this project we read a big book called, “What Do You Really Want?”

The book talked a lot about how to set good goals for yourself and why goals are important to implement into your life. It gave examples of how goals have helped people in the past, but it also explained what the stages of a goal are called.

During this sector we filmed and edited a lot of videos (that I will display later in this blog) and we also learned how to make SMART goals. S.M.A.R.T goals are the most efficient ways to create goals. Here is a poster explaining what a SMART goal is:

We each decided on a goal and kept revising it until it was perfect. I took the teachers suggestions and then applied them to my goal plan three different times.

Here is what it looked like before I revised it:


And here is what it looked like after:



Now I will talk about the videos we created!

The first video we made was about what inspired us on clips

I was not excited to make this at first because I really don’t like using the app Clips. After I finished making the video I then realized that the app isn’t that bad. There is a lot of Interesting features and effects you can use. I had a lot of fun making that video and I liked editing it.


The next video we made was called ‘Shots and Angles’ and it was a group project.

In that video I worked with Charlie R and Makai. We got a list of prompts to make the video about and we chose ‘A Debate!’. I think if we had more time I could of edited it better and recorded longer scenes, but we only had two classes to decide what to do and record then edit it. I am happy with how it came out, I like the angles we had, but I could of added more.


Lastly we made a video about tips and tricks for keeping goals.

I was sick the day we started making this video so I wasn’t there for the planning part. Though I missed some of it I was there the second day and I got to help out with the filming part. Mainly Daniel edited this video but our entire group helped out in other ways.



This project was very fun and I am excited for the other video-making-projects we will do next. I love editing videos and hopefully next time we will be editing videos on apps of our choice.

IMG_4702 Little extra for you here ⬅️

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed those three amazing videos I created or helped create. Bye for now 🙂