Hello! And welcome to my very last PLP science blog. I had a lot of fun in this class and I will definitely miss it. Now lets get into the blog!


This project was all about how electricity works. We learnt where electricity comes from, we learned about circuits, and we even learnt about the laws of electricity. My favourite part of this project was the very last final product we made, but I will get to that in the end.

The first thing we did was learn about where electricity comes from. We did research on all the different ways electricity is gathered (Geothermal, Solar energy, Hydroelectric energy, Nuclear energy, and wind energy). Then we picked one and created a infographic about it, I chose wind energy. I chose it because it seemed interesting but also it’s the one I see most often around me, I often see wind turbines up on mountains as I drive by them.

Here is the infographic I created about wind energy:

I really enjoyed making this because I like putting together infographics. Gathering information isn’t the fun part but putting it together and finding different creative ways to make it look good is very enjoyable. I put a lot of effort into my infographic because I found it fun, so I hope I can find more enjoyment in other projects so I do good in them as well.


After watching slides and taking notes we had a few questions we needed to answer which I needed help with but relatively answered correctly. I didn’t like that part of the project but right after we got to the fun part! This part was the final product, electricity in a box!


For this we made a game based off the battery powered game ‘operation’. To make this we first had to learn how to make a circuit, but what’s a circuit?

A circuit is when different things that electricity flows through connects, for example a battery connecting through a wire into a light bulb and back through a wire into the battery. This would make the lightbulb turn on because the circuit is all connected in one big loop.

To learn this we got to make our own circuits, we experimented with the power of the battery and what electricity will flow through.

       (Photo by Jupiter N)


After learning about how to make circuits we finally got to start working on our box. Here was my process on how to make the game I did:

Step one: Planning!

Before any project you must plan out what you are going to do, I relatively stayed with the same plan I drew out but I did forgot to paint the back door. I also did not have enough space to get the word ‘shop’ onto the front sign. I think it worked out well though.


Step two: Painting!


Painting was a bit of a struggle, I some how fixed up the lettering on the front with the wrong coloured paint and I could not find the right colour. Then the jewelry on the top didn’t look as good as I wanted it to and it was hard to make it realistic. I didn’t have a lot of time to waste because we only had a few more days and I had to start working on the circuit inside not just the design, so off to step three.


Step three: Circuit time!

This part was hard because my original plan did not work, I planned to have two different coloured lights (a red and a blue one) to turn on because it looked like cop cars but they didn’t work. I tried and tried and even got help from other students and the teacher but it still didn’t end up working. Eventually I made the executive decision to only use one light and it worked well. The circuit is still a little finicky and won’t work sometimes but with some adjustments it starts working.



Here’s a video I made to display my game but also show how it works, I recommend watching it because it explains in detail more about the circuit if you are interested in that.



In the end I really enjoyed this project and the final product, I only wish I had more time to work on the game because I have tons of more ideas to make it look and work better. Learning about how to create a circuit was very interesting and it made me very happy when my light first turned on. Anyways, thank you for reading I hope you have a great day 🙂