Month: October 2021
My maker experience
In this project we learned how we as students help to build and strengthen the PLP learning team. At the start of the project we asked ourselves a very important question (which I said a lot in elementary school) why are we learning this? We found that we were discovering our best attributes and how we help make a team. We then went on to learn about the BLJ (the big life journal) which was a series of chapters that we were told to fill out. This would help us learn about ourselves and what we hope to accomplish and achieve, or even what we think success is.
We then made our Memoji laptop characters and added stickers of things that we like (you will see my one later) but in doing so we also learned how to use the app keynote to make presentations. After that we made our digital selfies. These where photos that we took and edited to tell people what sort of person we are, this is mine. For safety purposes I must mask my face and name.
Following this we learned about what our first milestone would be, which was creating a user manual. You must be thinking what is a user manual and that is a valid question! A user manual is a guide that you throw away whenever you get something new that needs to be built or operated. But in these terms it is a guide on how to operate us (the PLP team) properly. The first thing we had to do was read the mentor’s texts which were the teachers user manuals. Then we modeled ours from theirs. Once again for safety I can not show these, however sections of mine are on my team contract page below.
Our second milestone was creating a team contract page on our blog. On our team contract page we showed what we could bring to a team. The elements that I highlighted were the fact that I can be funny, I can be kind to people when they are down to cheer them up and I can come up with good ideas but also listen to other peoples. I am supportive to other people when they do not understand the work and I am good at speaking and presenting.
Following on from the team contract the next mile stone was selecting three things from the big life journal which I talked about previously. These parts had to be selected carefully as we were only given three. We did this because we would use this later use them for the final presentation. The three elements that I chose were my interest brain ( which was things I find interesting in life), my dream board, which is a collage of things that I hope to achieve in life and finally a diagram of things that I can and cannot control which was a diagram of things I can and cannot control – what did you expect. I have shown these above.
We then took all of these things and collated them into a final presentation. We showed the PLP parents these presentations and they gave us feedback. These are my critique sheets.
This is the presentation I made do you agree with this feedback.
During this project I found the following things difficult.
Creating the team contract page was initially quite difficult as I did not know exactly what to do, however, a teacher assisted me and explained what to do. I also found the user manual a little bit hard because I needed to do a lot of self analysis. I was very pleased with my Keynote presentation as I thought I was going to fail drastically but I actually ended up doing alright. This ended up being one of my favourite parts of the project and if I were to do it again I would probably do less clicking and saying eh heh.
Before this project I thought all I could do was be funny but I have learned that I am more than that and I am a helpful attribute to the team.
My Ad experience
Hello Internet!!!!!!!
My name is Caden and in this post I will be telling you about my experience with the project Medium Is The Message. First of all we were told the driving question of this project, which was ‘How does what we see hear and view influence us? And I said “that’s a good question.” Thus we embarked on the journey that would be known in history as Medium Is The Message.
My group received a business to work with and partnered up to create something that at that moment in time was not yet revealed. We quickly discovered from what we were learning in our lessons that we would be making an ad for HONEYS DONUTS. At first I was unamused because most ads are boring to me and I just skip or ignore them but I would soon learn that making an ad is not what it seems. What I discovered was eye-opening.
I had no idea that making an ad was so difficult and involved so many different stages and drafts, which made a lot of great ideas fall by the wayside. Initially, we were building our knowledge, we did this by analyzing an ad by Apple about the Apple HomePod. From this I learned about target audiences and how I could attract different types of viewers. This would help me later on. Here is a link to the video.
Later on in the project we analyzed historical media, this gave us a better understanding of two dimensional ads and how to make them eye-catching. From looking at these, we learned that we had to make the title POP and make the main feature the image so that people didn’t get bored by reading too much text. From my own personal experience I remembered that when an ad has a funny slogan or a pun in it I remember it more. I tried to include this in my work. This is the media I analyzed.
The final part of building knowledge that I’m going to speak about is our ad journal. This is a selection of ads that we found in our every day life that we made into a journal to critique them and analyze key elements that we needed to include. From this I learned that I needed to make my message clear- that honey‘s donuts are the best donuts you can buy- the business told us that! We also needed to advertise that the donuts were very local. We added the location so people would know where to come if they wanted a delicious treat. Also we learned that we had to make the food look good and when I say good I mean really good these are known as persuasive techniques. This is my ad journal.
After gathering the information that we needed we were set the task to make our first ad. Now we all knew that this would not be our best ad and even if we thought it was amazing and could not be improved it would have to as it was only our first draft. This was my first attempt!
Terrible I know. I did not even have the exact address of honey‘s donuts and the ad is very plain. However, the logo is a good size and the picture of the donut I used the whole way through because I like it and I took it myself at the shop. We then went through the process of develop and critique, where our peers and our mentors helped us build and improve our ideas. This slideshows shows my progress
During this project I struggled with a few things. These were using my feedback effectively, continued motivation and coming up with ideas. However, I was really proud of both the photo I took at Honeys and used as my main image and the slogan I wrote using the word bee as a pun in “You’ll bee back soon”. I have learnt that in order to create a good ad you need perseverance and good ideas.
Now this project is coming to a close I can finally answer the driving question. How does what we see hear and view influence us as human beings? And the answer my friend is yours to explore, however this is my blog so I do what I want and my answer to this – we are mostly influenced by what we see as we are engaged by bright colours, vivid images and funny slogans. We are surrounded by ads that influence us both consciously and subconsciously. They influence us in what we eat, what we buy and where we go.