Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.
In plp we have to do a Tpol and this is my Tpol. The point of out Tpol is to show how we have grown as a learner and why we should should go up to the next grade level, so for me that would be grade nine. The driving question of what i am going to present is why do i feel that i am ready to advance to the next grade level?
I feel like i am ready to move up to the next grade level because i have learned a multitude of things but i think i am also ready to move up to the next grade level because i have failed and made mistakes many times and in the plp and in real life we have to learn from our mistakes and as one of the plp’s favourite quotes state, we learn not from experience but from reflecting on experience. And some of the ways i have failed are in drafts, i have failed to hand things in on time and i have failed to meet criteria but this is important because i learn from these failures and by reflecting on them i grow as a learner. And example of how i failed was in my laser laws project in scimatics. In this project my final project was flawed in that i needed to make a certain kind of triangle but my craftmanship was not good enough to meet the expectations.

I will also reflect on humanites and scimatics, what i have done well in these subjects and what i think i can improve at and to better
In my humanites class i think that i could do better when i comes to having an open mind, i think i can give better feedback when it comes to a peer critique as i always find that i can not give as much feedback when it comes to everyone else so i think that i need to improve when i comes to this and this also goes for scimatics i think that i also need to get better at accepting that you need more that on draft to do things, as in the fact that i always do not want to do more drafts and i am always hesitant to admit that i need more than one draft. I also think that i need to take some better notes when it comes to lectures. My goals for humanities next year are: improve at peer critiques, have a more open mind to projects and hand all assignments in on time.
My goals for scimatics are: put more effort into the workbooks as i am almost always not putting in my all when it comes to workbooks, again have a more open mind when it comes to projects, remember to ask for help when/if i think that i am falling behind make sure to hand in all of the workbooks on time because i often find that i will finish them but i forget to hand them in and i hand them in an hour or two late, and do better on my mind-nodes because i think that i am always never doing enough when to comes to my project start and end mind-node. And finaly i think that i need to use my time better in that i am not always efficient so for example in the chemistry coding project i could have coded better and used a forever loop and that again comes to not asking for help and just trying to figure it out myself.
Topics that i would like to touch on. I also feel like i have demonstrated growth and maturity as a learned because i have had to do a lot more group work then i did in elementary school and because of this i have had to be able to listen to the opinion of others and make compromises and not always to something the way/s that envision doing it. Something that i have seen in some of my classmates doing is that they always remember to get the other people in the group to contribute and voice their opinion even if they’re are quite and would not normally speak up. What does my learning say about me was a learner? It says that i can make other’s voices heard, i don’t like or think that i do well when it comes to work with others but i still do okay and ways and that i some times need to do things more efficiently.
An other reason why i think that i should move up to the next grade level is because i have struggled with projects and that has made me a little more mature as a learner and given me more expirince and taught me that you have to struggle and not everything comes easily. One such project hat i struggled with was my comic cells. In this project we reaserched about a disease, virus or bacteria. The virus that i chose to do was polio. There are a couple of reasons that i had trouble with this project. One of them was the fact that i sometimes had difficulty finding information about the virus and most places just talked about how not to catch the virus and what kind of vaccine worked against the virus but they did not always talk about the science behind this virus and they did not always tell you about how the virus spread through the body. An other thing that i had difficulty with in this project was the fact that i had to redo my comic halfway through because i did the speech bubbles first and then i did the art after but i found that the image boxes that i used were not the right sizes and i could not change the format of the images without changing the different type of panels. But to change the type of panels i would end up deleting the text that i had spend time doing so i had to redo all of the text that i had done so this took a long time i had to do the drawings that i had a lot of difficulty with because of my learning disability disgrafia so i had to suffer through all of the art and had a hard time doing this and the final thing that made this project really hard was the fact that i thought i had more time but halfway through the project i found out that some of our precious scimatics time way being taken by my humanites class to work on the stupid spring exibhtion but i went to tutorial for a couple of ways and i managed to get the project done on time that goodness.
My goals for grade nine are: improve upon my peer critique skills, ask for help when i need it not after when i was behind, make sure to have an open mind listen to feed back listen and be more open to having to make more drafts and admitting that my first draft is not perfect