Star Wars + Lasers

This project was probably the most fun project that we’ve done so far to me. As you can tell, this project is about Star Wars and lasers. Well not completely… we learned about triangles, and the Pythagorean theorem, and hypotenuse. That was the “learning part,” and it was pretty easy as long as I payed attention to what we were leaning. In total this project took about a month and a half. What we had to show for our learning in this project was a model of a machine from Star Wars. That’s how it’s related to Star Wars, but the lasers come in when we had to make a right triangle using a laser and mirrors. This proved to be more difficult than it sounded because we had to put the laser and two mirrors in the exact right spot at the exact right angle. We built a TIE fighter which was probably not a good idea…

That’s a photo of a TIE fighter, and as you can see the middle part has to be supported by the thin wings on the side. That proved to be a very tough obstacle but we managed to work through that and we made it work and now here’s the final product:

I think that it came out really good. The reason we did this project and built the ships was for our winter exhibition. The winter exhibition is a show of our work for the last 2-3 months and the theme is Star Wars. We have other projects with Star Wars themes that we will also be presenting. We’re presenting for anyone that wants to come! I think that this is probably the most fun project we’ve done so far this year because of the fact that we got to build a TIE fighter and model it from Star Wars!

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