Tectonic Chances (Board Game)

Hello Friends!

For the past month and a half our class has been learning about the theory of tectonic plates. Everyone I have talked to in my class has learned so much in this unit, they knew almost nothing from the start and now they have mastered the theory.

After we had learned enough about tectonic plates and the theory of them we started on a new milestone make you’re on game on tectonic plates first it started off with our game rules. By the way I switched groups after the first two milestones but go check out there blogs at



Here is the game rules first attempt Milestone one

For milestone two we did science vocabulary choices where we chose ten words about the theory of tectonic plates and natural disasters for example Tsunami, Earthquake, and subduction etc.

Milestone 2


On milestone we did khan quizzes where I learned more about natural disasters more specifically volcanoes and earthquakes this milestone was great because it was advanced questions that made me think and learn. So this milestones was very helpful for the game. Here is what I got on the two quizzes.

Milestone four final game rules. My new partner for this project is Keenan

Here is our Game rules! That will show probability in the game!

Rule Book

Now, the moment you all been waiting for the final milestone the final product. ⬇️


Here is my mind node that we did at the start of the project. But, we added some stuff at the end.

Core Competencies

Core competency #1  Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence

I think I demonstrated a solid understanding of the theory of tectonic plates. I showed evidence by making a game about it. But, something I can work on is showing more evidence physically and mentally.

Core competency #2

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest

I demonstrated a interest & curiosity for this project by engaging in the class discussions and by using my time efficiently.

Core competency #3

Understanding and solving: Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving.

I demonstrated a understanding of probability in the game by writing down the probability in the game rules and by using it in the game.

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