Hello bloggers

The driving question for this project is: The relationship between surface area and volume of 3D objects can be used to describe, measure, and compare spatial relationships.

Today I am reflecting on our hardest project so far its called ultimate design challenge. The challenge was to make a 3d model using the app tinkercad I chose to make a Christmas nike box that and it was not what I had planned it to be. First we played around with tinker cad to get a sense of what we were going to be doing. Then we started getting into the math because we were going to have to calculate the length, height, and width of our 3d shapes we used. Here is an example of a workbook we did.

Now after we learned the math we got straight to work and thats when we started to design our 3d model it took me a couple of try’s to really get what I decently wanted.

I will show you my final product and my calculations for everything including the formulas I used.

Then after we would get the okay to start working on a keynote presentation to present in front of the class about our 3d model. Here is my keynote presentation.


Now for the core competencies!

Applying and innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches.

I was on task throughout the whole project and I feel like I really was being responsibility about using my time well.

Reasoning and Analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences

I made a 3d object in tinkercad using 10 3d shapes and I chose to maximize volume to fit the ornaments inside the nike box.

Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions

I calculated the volume, surface area, height, length, and width in all shapes. They were also I showed and explained well in my keynote presentation

Thanks, CameronBR

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