The Renissance

Hi everyone!

We recently did a project on the Renissance. We had to make a paragraph and a triptych. On our triptych, we need to have three different inventions, artists, engineers, or someone/something of value in the Renissance.

I chose eyeglasses, time, and music in the Renissance.

“Eye” thought that eyeglasses are important because they helped blind or poor sighted people see and make money for their family. Because eyeglasses have helped a lot of members in my family, I think that they are very important.

Another thing was music. I love music as you can see in some of my other blog posts. I chose a royal conservatory book, a painting, and a Renissance composer to represent it.

The third thing that I chose was time. I chose to show how it has changed. It has changed from a sundial to a watch or Apple Watch.

Here is my paragraph and tryptich!

Time Throughout the Renaissance

Is time so important/not important? Why? How does the invention of time effect us today? I find that the invention of time has been very helpful. The idea of time started a while ago, but it was only measured in years, weeks, days, and sometimes hours. Time began with sundials in ancient Egypt, and has continued on to today. According to my research, time in the early Renaissance was told by sundials. Because of the sundial, it depended on where you lived and what time of year it was to see how long the hour was. So the sundial was not very accurate. The clock was invented in the late Renaissance by Christiaan Huygens. Now, time can be hours, minutes, and even seconds. Different activities start at different times. Eventually, humans figured out how to make an electric clock that you can wear on your wrist. This has helped kids to keep track of time, so we can be more organized and so that our parents can give us a certain time to be home by. I find time important because it gives people a chance to make a certain time to meet or go to an activity. Time also has made some people over-schedule, causing stress or anxiety. Overall, I think that time has effected us in a good way. I’d rather have many activities because of time than have little or no activities because there is no time. 



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