Ultimate Design Challenge

Hey everyone! We just finished a Scimatics project called Ultimate Design Challenge, where we had to design something in Tinkercad to maximize either surface area or volume. In this project, I worked with Andrew. We designed a rocket ship, and I designed the inside (he designed the outside), and I wanted to maximize volume.

The reason I wanted to maximize the volume of my rocket ship, is because I saw some photos of the inside of a rocket ship, and I realized that it was really cramped inside. I thought that if there was more space, it would create a more comfy ride to wherever you are going.

We then presented our creation to the class:

Here it is!

Here are the formulas that you saw in the presentation:

Here is a close up of both mine and Andrew’s ship:




Curricular Competency’s:

Applying and Innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches. To put this into my own words, I think this means that we had to have a design that benefited the environment, and we had to work together well. I think that I did well in this project. Andrew and I worked together in school and out of school to make an informative presentation.

Reasoning and Analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences. For this, I think that we had to show that we were proficient in math, and do all of the basic requirements that he gave us. The requirements are as follows; A 3D object is designed using Tinkercad. The design optimized for either maximum volume or maximum surface area. The design should include at least 10 basic 3D shapes.

Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions. I think for this we need to explain all of our math, or show all of our work, as you can see in the formulas above.

Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time!

Chemistry Coding!

Hello everybody, today we’re going to be talking about a project we did recently in Scimatics called chemistry coding. In this project, we made a scratch game or simulator. Our game or simulator had to be about the kinetic molecular theory.

Curricular competencies:

Communication competency:

For this core competency I think that I did very well. I definitely got all my friends and family to play my game so that I could adjust it. I also helped other people with their games, which would fall into the communication competency.

Thinking competency:

I have done Scratch before, so I did know how to code a little bit. I did do most of it by myself, I just watched tutorials and made other games, and that coding knowledge helped me a lot to code my game well. With that new knowledge, I could also help other people a lot more, because I understood the program better.

Personal and Social:

I helped others a lot with my knowledge of Scratch. I also got other people to peer critique my game. I also worked on my game a lot during spring break. I got almost all of it done. I gave myself a goal and I worked towards it, and I eventually completed a very good scratch game.

Curricular Competencies:

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest – All class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions. I think that I did well in this curricular competency. I used all of my class time efficiently and handed everything in on time. I also helped other people with their games, so I guess that’s considered playing games in class😏? But I was still helping them.

Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies – Several different atoms/molecules, different states of matter, and particle motion are represented in the finished product.  A historical model of the atom is chosen and implemented. I added two different atoms, Xenon and Arsenic. I think those two weren’t common enough for everyone to know, but I think that they did fit the superpowers that I chose. I chose to represent each model of atom in the Bohr model.

Reasoning and analyzing: Use logic and patterns (including coding) to solve puzzles and play games – An interactive Scratch coded matter simulator or game is created with logical conditions and functional user controls. I think that I met this criteria most of all! I made an interactive Scratch game, and it has logical conditions, and functional controls. I chose WASD or the arrow keys to move my characters.

To start this project, we made a project start mind-map. We added questions, examples, and thoughts.

Then, a couple of days ago, once we had completed our scratch game we made a project end mind-map, which answered most of the questions on there.

Then we started to make our scratch games! Here is my programming plan that I made as an outline for my game.

  • Two characters
  • Different levels
  • Levels get harder
  • One level with lava
  • Last level with enemy
  • Arsenic can kill enemy
  • Xenon can skip any level
  • On the last level portal appears after 5 seconds

Use arrow keys to move. My game starts with the option between two characters xenon and arsenic. If you click on them, they give a description of their atom, what it is used for, and it’s superpower. Then, the first level appears. The first level is very easy, and they get progressively harder. In the last level there is an enemy that can kill you. To complete the game, get to the portal on the last level. Here’s my game!

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this project, and I am really looking forward to the next project called Ultimate Design Challenge. It just sounds like a lot of fun. I think that I could have done better if I spent a little bit more time on my game to fix a couple of bugs, but overall, I think that it was great!

Here are some games that I really liked:



Laser Laws

Hey guys, welcome back or to my blog. In this project we made a laser display using the Pythagorean Theorem. The display had to include a triangle that was measured, how we proved the law of reflection, and how we proved the Pythagorean Theorem. We also did extra path that showed how accurate the measure app is. In my group I had Brooke, Jasper, and Andrew

At the start of this project we did a project start mind map. We listed questions we had about lasers and the Pythagorean Theorem. We put in thoughts, and we put in examples. As you can see, I didn’t know a lot about lasers, but I know a lot more after this project.

So there was the project start mind map, but there is also a project end mind map. What I do, is I go through and answer all of the questions that I had. This is what my mind map looked like after the project.


Milestone 1: Project start mind map, which is the first photo in this blog post.

Milestone 2: Law of reflection lab. In this milestone, we proved the law of reflection using a ray box. Here is my lab report. Lab Write-Up: Law of Reflection Experiment Purpose: Test the law of reflection to confirm it is true.
Question: How can we test the law of reflection to confirm that it is true, using a ray box, plane mirror, protractor, pencil and paper?
Hypothesis: Yes, I think that we can confirm the law of reflection using these materials.
• Plug in ray box
• Slide in the slitted square so that there is one slit showing
• Attach clips to plane mirror
• Set mirror up vertically on a table
• Place ray box on table, point at the mirror
• Put piece of paper under the mirror
• Trace the line of light with pencil
• Measure the angle with the protractor
• Record the measurements
• Repeat two more times using different angles by changing the angle of the light
Analyze Data:
1. Experiment #1: Angle of incidence = 50 Angle of reflection = 50
2. Experiment #1: Angle of incidence = 70 Angle of reflection = 70
3. Experiment #1: Angle of incidence = 10 Angle of reflection = 10
Conclusion: In this lab, we tested the law of reflection to see if it was true. First, we had to come up with a purpose, then turn that purpose into a question, then come up with a procedure, analyze data and finally, write this conclusion. We hit the ray box off of a mirror, and measured the angles, and it turned out that they were the same! So I concluded that the law of reflection is true. For an extra experiment I hit the light off of a concave mirror, and when the light came off of the mirror, it curved! From that I can prove that light sort of curves.

Milestone 4: No one did Milestone 3, so I’m gonna skip ahead to Milestone 4! We proved the law of reflection with a website. Here is my write up:

Milestone 4- Laser Triangle Lab


How can I test the Pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection?


I think that if I get the angles correct, I can make a right angle triangle.


  • Go to the website
  • Set up a single ray of light
  • Put a mirror in so that the light reflects off it
  • Put another mirror so that it looks like a right angle triangle
  • Adjust while measuring with a protractor so that it is a right angle triangle
  • Put rulers to measure
  • Take a screenshot
  • Use markup to measure the lengths
  • Finish this lab report and add the screenshot to this document
  • Hand in to Showbie  


I realized that it is extremely difficult to create a perfect right triangle. This is the closest that I got. My hypothesis was technically correct, but I couldn’t get the angles correct no matter how hard I tried. My two legs are 9.2cm squared, and 3.8cm squared. My Hypotenuse is 9.9cm squared. I do think that the law of reflection is true, but you need robot reflexes or have an actual robot to do the triangle correctly. To prove the law of reflection, I said that the angle of incidence = the law of reflection. This second photo really shows that. If you measure it with a protractor, the angle is the same, 40 degrees. We also proved the law of reflection in another lab that we did. Photos of that lab are on the last page.


I can conclude that my hypothesis is correct, but it is very hard to get it exact. How can I test the Pythagorean theorem and the law of reflection? My answer to this question is you can with this app. This was a really cool experiment and I can’t wait for the final milestone.

Milestone 5: Milestone 5 was just a picture of our laser display. Here it is!

Last but not least, milestone six is this blog post!

Reflection on core competency:

Questioning and predicting: Looking back on all of the Milestones that we did in questioning and predicting, I think that I did well. We did the project start mind map, and I had tons of questions. I felt that I was interested about the chosen topic and the I was questioning a lot.

Communicating and representing: I think that I communicated very well. When I was sick, I FaceTimed my group to help work on our project!

Applying and innovating: I helped build a lot of our project. I came up with ideas and I think that our whole group should get extending on this last one. Everyone helped with this.

Thanks for reading! – Charlie


Our first Scimatics project!

How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design was the driving question for this post. In this project, we used probability and tectonic plates to make a board game. Our game represented probability very well, because it included cards, and a dice. For this project, my group member was Silas.

This is my project start/end MindNode. At the start of this project, we put down our game ideas, examples of tectonic plates, our thoughts on tectonic plates, and some questions  that we have about tectonic plates. In game ideas, my group thought that it would be cool if the person playing was the disaster, because we thought that everyone was going to do something about escaping the natural disaster (we were right).

My questions and answers were:

  1. How many tectonic plates are there? 17. Pacific Plate, North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Indo-Australian Plate, South American Plate, Somali Plate, Nazca Plate, Philippine Sea Plate, Arabian Plate, Caribbean Plate, Cocos Plate, Caroline Plate, Scotia Plate, Burma Plate, and the New Hebrides Plate.
  2. Where do volcanoes form? Volcanoes form at convergent plate boundary’s. The crust in the ocean sinks below the crust on land, and in the mantle, the water in the oceanic crust seeps out and forms magma. Then when the pressure from the magma builds up, the magma (now lava) spurts out of a mountain.
  3. Which natural disasters to tectonic plates cause? They cause mostly volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.
  4. Are there tectonic plates on other planets? No. It is one of the many things that sets earth apart from other planets.
  5. Do tectonic plates cause floods? Tectonic plates cause tsunamis, which can cause floods, but they don’t effect rainfall directly.

In the examples category, I put a tectonic plate could be the North American plate. The North American plate, the one that Vancouver in on, is the second biggest tectonic plate, the biggest being the Pacific plate. For thoughts, I put that I think that tectonic plates are always moving (they are moving around 7 centimetres a year!), I think that tectonic plates cause most disasters, and I don’t think that they cause floods.

Our game was easier to understand once we got going, and it was very fun. These are the rules:

Humans vs. Aliens Rules:

Aliens from the planet ƒåüç†ø∂é¡ have come to earth and forged themselves into tectonic plates with the goal of killing all humans. The UNSOC (United Nations Space Operating Committee) is tasked with protecting earth. Who will win in the ultimate battle between Humans and Aliens?

Two or four players only.


Set up: 

  1. Choose roles (alien or human) Aliens are attackers and humans are defenders.
  2. Shuffle both decks of cards.
  3. Deal each player three of their own team’s cards
  4. Place one population token onto each of the capture points.
  5. Place ten of each disaster tokens as well as the twenty four mountain tokens on the

How to play:

  1. The attacker(s) go(es) first. They can spawn whatever card they want that is in their hand.
  2. They roll the die based on what it says on the card that they decide to play.
  3. If they succeed in creating the disaster then they place a token of the thing they created on the point and wait until the next turn. 
  4. Repeat for the rest of the cards they wish to play.
  5. They then collect their cards biased on the number they roll.
  6. The defender(s) goes next. They play any cards in the same manor of the attacker to try to defend the people.
  7. After that turn the defender(s) collect(s) their card(s).
  8. At the end of both turns the attacker(s) collect all of the kill points they achieved. The defender(s) collects all of the disaster tokens they diverted.
  9. This is repeated until one of the teams wins.

Winning the Game:

The attacker(s) must collect all 24 of the people tokens.

The defenders(s) must collect all 20 disaster tokens for them to win.

Important Notes:

  • You may choose to not play any cards during your turn 
  • You may not show anybody your cards, even your teammate
  • You may not tell anybody what you are planning to play, even your teammate
  • Cards  are added to a discard pile after they are played.
  • When there are no more cards in the deck you may shuffle the discard pile and continue playing.

Disaster Cards:

  • Consists of earthquakes and volcanoes.
  • Do not take effect until the round after the round in which they are played.
  • The power of the disaster is represented by power points. 1 power point destroys 1 population point
  • The disaster can stay on the board for 2 rounds and the same amount of power points can be reused on the second turn if there are still people there.



  • Mountains are placed on the capture point connection lines.
  • They block any population point from evacuating along that line until destroyed.
  • Multiple mountains can be placed on one line.


  • You may evacuate anywhere that is not blocked by a mountain.
  • You may pass through a capture point that has a disaster but if you end on  one you will die.
  • You may split your number of evacuations between two population points.


Stopping a Disaster:

  • When a disaster has remained on the board for over 2 rounds without destroying population points it is given to the defender(s).
  • If a disaster remains on the board for over 2 rounds even after it destroys people points it is given back to the attacker(s).



Probability to pick up a volcano, a mountain, and an earthquake.

1/3 x 1/3 x 1/3 = 1/9 x 1/4 = 1/36 2.8%

Get a full powered disaster.

1/4 = 25%

Get three full powered attacks or defences in a row.

1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 = 1.6%

We were supposed to do 3 probability events, and those are the things that you see above. This next thing is a slideshow that I made to show our game board.

  • This is the game board.
  • These are some of the attackers cards.

In this project I learned how to communicate better. We had to communicate with our team to think up ideas. Communicating is important because in the real world, you have to communicate to your boss if you want a raise, or many more things. Thinking is another core competency. Thinking is important in the real world because without thinking, you couldn’t do any job!

How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design? Thematic elements are very important in game design, because if you didn’t have a theme, your game would be very boring. For example, the theme of all of our games were tectonic plates. What I found interesting was how many different ways different people interpreted it. Mathematical elements are also very important because without probability, a game would have no way to take chances, so it wouldn’t be fun.