So, you hate your wallet??

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Welcome, today I will teach you the basics of getting into 40k 9th edition, in this post, i’ll show you how to make an army “List” for Astra Militarum and Chaos Space Marines (Iron Warriors to be specific)


First, you need  a warlord, this is your commander, and it is mandatory to have a warlord.

In these armies we are making, we’ll be using a Patrol Detachment, which needs 1 selection from “Troops” and 1 selection from “HQ”

For my Astra Militarum force, I will be making an army of the Tallarn Desert Raiders, Games workshops feeble and stereotypical representation of middle eastern culture.

I start by adding a company commander to my force, I equip him with a Plasma Pistol and a Power Sword and I make him my Warlord, and give him the Claw of the Desert Tigers relic as well as the swift attacker warlord trait. This finishes most of my mandatory objectives.
Then I add 2 infantry squads with lasguns, as my troops choices. One of which has a sergeant equipped with a power Maul. Now I am free to add whatever I want. Next I take 2 choices for elites, a unit of Ogryns, and a veteran squad equipped with lasguns. Following this is Fast Attack, for this I take a Bane Wolf and a Hellhound in a unit, as well as a 3 man unit of Mukaali Riders. For heavy support I take a Carnodon heavy tank equipped with  2 Lascannins and a Twin Autocannon. Finally, as transports for units I take 2 Chimeras and a Valkyrie. This adds up to 1000 points


Iron Within, Iron Without

Next is my 500 pts of Iron Warriors.


Exalted Champion with Combi-Melta and Thunder Hammer


-Trait: Iron Without

– Relic: Insidium


Chaos Space Marines Unit #1

Aspiring Champion with Plasma Pistol and Power Fist

3 Chaos Marines

Chaos Marine with Heavy Bolter

Chaos Space Marines Unit #2

Aspiring Champion with Plasma Pistol and Power Sword

3 Chaos Marines

Chaos Marine with Plasma Gun

Chaos Space Marines Unit #3

Aspiring Champion with Lighting Claw and Bolt Pistol

3 Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Marine with Meltagun

and finally, Heavy Support

1 Maulerfiend with lasher tendrils

How you can get started

There are a few ways to get started with an army, including buying the Combat Patrol/Start Collecting/ Battleforce if it’s that time of year.

Option 1, Start Collecting/Combat Patrol

This one is that option that isn’t too expensive, but still provides you with a starting force ready for the table (other than painting and building) that adds up to 25 power level or 500 points, but the problem with this, is that the selection of units in a Start Collecting/Combat Patrol is limited.

Option 2, Buy minis separately

This is how I started my first army (The Wolfspears) and I will be the first to point out the Cost, it is very expensive for what you get, in fact, my Wolfspears army cost around 170$ Canadian, so if there are any units you want to buy that don’t come in the Combat patrol this is the way to go, just make sure to buy a troops option and an HQ unit to be your warlord.

Option 3, don’t buy minis

This is how you save your wallet, you don’t get to play warhammer, instead, you get to not sleep on the floor after having to sell your bed to afford more minis

Thank you for reading.