Destination Imagination! (Mid post)

Hello world!

Today, I will be talking about what I have been doing for the past couple weeks.  It has been quite hard and difficult doing this task.  I hope you enjoy!

Check out my teammates:







What is Destination Imagination? 

Destination Imagination is a tournament that is split into 4 different groups, Scientific; Up Close, Technical; Daring Escape, Improvisational; Festival Frenzy and Fine Arts; Tricky Tales.

I was assigned to Scientific with a bunch of other people and learnt about the rules.  We had to create a story about a person going into the microscopic world and meeting a mysterious object and manages to escape back into the normal world.  We also have a budget of $150 usd to spend and must perform for about 8 minutes.  Unfortunately, I cannot talk about the plot of the story because of the rules. 

The next part of Destination Imagination is the Instant Challenges.  Instant challenges (says in the name) are challenges where you have limited time and resources to create something.  One examples was when we had to create a tower out of pasta.  We only had a couple strands and a some mailing label.  Here are some photos:

How have I helped my team?

I think I help lead the group.  Sometimes, my team gets a bit off task and I usually help get them back on track.  I also help give out assignments to my group members and make sure to do all my assignments.  Also, when we have disputes, I usually try to defuse the situation.

Overall, I have found doing this project quite interesting.  I think my group works quite well together and has no problem communicating.  One think we could probably work on is staying on task, sometimes, other members gets a bit side tracked.

Thanks for reading!


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