TPOLS! My growth over the year.

Hello!  Welcome to my Transitional Presentations Of Learning which will show my growth through the year!

Driving question: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

“You don’t learn from experience, you learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey.


Goals for the year:

I had goals for each subject that are shown in my learning plan.

For Humanities, I aimed to put out the best work that I could.  I sometimes would rush to hand in my work on time and not check the rubric to see if I could have done better.  Nowadays,  I feel like I always revise my work whenever the teacher asks.

In Scimatics, my work was mostly bland and was very boring to look at.  Most of the time, I finish most of my work in class so that I could work on other subjects.  I think that I accomplished this goal when I was doing my comic.  It took me a lot of time to illustrate each drawing so that I could create more colourful and brighter projects.


Things we have done over the year: Medium is the Message, The Outsiders, Working With Words, The Renaissance, Argh Matey and finally New Beginnings.

How have I grown through Humanities?

At the beginning of my year, I feel like I didn’t check back on my work and aim for rainbows.  This can be seen when I did my You vs Who character analysis.  Even though I got feedback, it took me a week to fully revise my work even though I could have revised my work earlier.

Nowadays, I think I usually check and revise my work.  I demonstrated this when I created my final images in the project New Beginnings.  I kept revising more visuals so that I could create the best possible one with my abilities.  In the end, I think I succeeded in doing a decent photo.

Things we have done inside Scimatics: Fractions of Time, Tectonic Chances, Laser Laws, Chemistry Coding, Ultimate Design Challenge and Comic Cells.
When I started Scimatics my work felt unrefined and was very bland.  This was shown when I did my tectonic plate game.  It was a blank piece of paper with a sharpie showing the different plates.  I could have added the countries using a different colour.
I think that the last project I have done was a lot more pleasing to the eye.  This time, I used different colours to make the image look better.  I showed my growth when I did the project Comic Cells.  I created a comic with cool illustrations and drawings that I am quite proud of.  I also learned how to use a new app while creating the comic.
Some of the things that I have grown in because of PLP:
Collaboration and Communication
Most of the projects in PLP were with other people.  This made me meet new people and collaborate together to meet our project goal.  I think this is shown when I did Destination Imagination.  I didn’t really know who most of my team members were causing me to make new friends.  I also had to communicate online to set up meetings so that we could plan, build and rehearse our performance.
Before joining PLP, I think that I knew how to use the iPad decently.  Nowadays, I now know a lot more than before.  I have to create and edit videos, draw decent visuals, use the camera to create better photos and much more.  I learned most of my skills during Herzog and Carr.   If you check my earlier work, they were a lot more basic than what they are now.
Why do I think I should move to grade 9?
I think that I have all the necessary skills and information to move on to the next grade.  I have learnt a lot in grade 8 and will use my problem-solving skills, collaboration and communication in the further grades ahead.
Overall, my time in PLP has taught me a lot of new skills and things that I would have not learnt in the regular curriculum.   I have also really enjoyed my time learning with the other PLP learners as we go into a new grade.  Next year, I hope to advance my vocabulary for Humanities and Maker.  Thanks for listening to my TPOL!
Some things I am proud of:

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