Vibrant Videos

Hello everyone!

During Maker, I have been creating videos and goals that I would like to accomplish.  I have learnt a lot about cinematography and different shots and angles that people use to enhance a movie.  Not only that, I got to learn how to use a cool app on our iPad called Clips to edit all our videos.  I also learnt about interests, goals and hobbies that I enjoy doing.  I hope you enjoy reading!

Driving question: How might I use video skills to tell my story?

At the start of this project, we started reading a book called “What I Really Want?” that helped us pinpoint what we want and what goals we would like to set.  We had to create a goal tracker to include all of our work that we did along the way.  We also learnt a lot about

Inside the book, we filled out a form called “What Inspires Me” that had a list of questions relating to our goals.  We had to base and create our first video on this form that had to include different media, filters, music and sound effects.  Some of the questions included what we enjoy doing, what don’t we enjoy doing, what brings us meaning to our lives and a lot of others.  I talked a lot about how I really enjoy coding and want to potentially create a game in the future.  If you would like to watch my video, here it is:

After that, we started learning and experimenting angles that we could add to the videos we will create.  We also started learning about the usefulness of storyboards.  A storyboard is a series of frames with simple drawings that shows the angle, plot and sound effect.  We watched the new avatar movie and had to storyboard it using our skills we learnt.

After that, we wrote out a goal getter story about something in our life that we have overcome.  I wrote about our hardships and success inside Destination Imagination.  We then started creating our second video that is based on our goal getter story.  For this video we were working in groups of 3 and had to make it an old silent film.  I was working with Cameron L and Max and they chose to do my goal getter story.  We wrote out a storyboard to plan all our shots and what was going to happen.  This is our video:

At around this time, it was a week away from the Humanities mini exhibition.  The teachers decided to create multiple videos that we would play during the exhibition.  We used the editing skills we learned along the way to produce this video.  We had to storyboard, plan and think about what would be inside our video.  Here is this video:


The last and final video was a tutorial that relates to our SMART goals.  SMART is an acronym to create better goals.  The S stands for specific, the M stands for measurable, the A stands for actionable, the R stands for realistic and the T stands for time bound.  We also learnt how to write a logline and a treatment.  A treatment is a short summary that is no more than a page.  A logline is a small blurb that goes over the main plot.

We decided to use Jessie’s idea on how to open lockers as our tutorial.  Her goal was to be more organized so she wants to use her locker to make easier.  We then created a logline, treatment and storyboard to plan out what would happen in our video.

In conclusion, I learnt a lot about video making and goal planning.  If I were to do this again, I think that I could have aimed for getting rainbows in all of the videos.  For the first one, I could have included a story to make it more interesting and more shots and angles for the second video.  However, I think the videos I created were pretty well made.  To answer the driving question, I think my most latest video has a story using a video.

Thanks for reading!

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