My Hero Quilt

For the last few weeks in school we have been learning about mythology. We have been reading many myths and learning about the heroes journey. We learned about heroes and the steps that most heroes take to become a hero. Recently we had  to make our own civilization for a project. We got put into groups and had to create a civilization then create a hero for the civilization. We then had to create a journey that our hero went on to discover the civilization. All though it may sound pretty simple it was not as easy as you may think. We were given a storyboard that we had to complete. When we first finished it we had to show our teacher. She then told us many things that we had to do before we could hand it in. We kept going back and forth between fixi

ng our mistakes then getting feedback from our teacher. This took a lot longer then we thought it would. After that we had to figure out how we were going to make our story into a quilt. Each person had to create their own quilt square that represented one part of the story. The hard part was making all of our quilt squares connect together and tell the story of our civilization.

I found it a lot easier to work in a group then it would have been to work by myself. It was nice to be able to bounce ideas off of each other until we came up with the perfect idea for a civilization. It was also nice getting to view the situation from other people’s perspectives and improving off of each others criticism.In the end we got everything done and are happy with our finished product.



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