Wonderful Wonder

      In PLP we just started a new unit on Fantasy. We will be exploring the meaning of fantasy, what makes something Fantasy, and why fantasy is important. I feel like this unit will be exciting and really interesting.

      To start off the unit we did a lesson on wonder. First our teacher put a picture of a field in the summer from the view of a rabbit hole. He then told us we can write whatever we wanted. I decided to write a recipe. I wrote a recipe for a summers day. I love doing activities like this because they really let me be creative.

#1 Down the Rabbit Hole January 3, 2017

Recipe for a summers day

3 cups of fresh, green grass
1 cup of white daisies 

1/2 cup of pink daisies 

1 litre of pure, blue skies

1/4 cup of white, fluffy clouds

1 tall brown trunk

8 small branches 

1 large, bright, yellow sun 

1/4 cup of lucky clovers 

1 heaping tablespoon of happiness 

1 teaspoon of love 

1/2 teaspoon of peacefulness 

1/4 teaspoon of energy 

1/2 cup of fun
      After that we were put into groups of about 4 people and we were asked to make a list of words we think of when we think of Wonder. My group worked quite well together and we got a lot of words down.


A feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.














What if?



The future 

Compensation for the unknown 



Innocence vs Experience 





Confusion/ lack of understanding 



Santa clause/ myth





      Once we were done our list we had to read an Article on wonder and answer some questions on it. For the last question we had to go really into detail and make the answer poetic. I found doing that a little challenging and I feel like I could have done a better job on it.
1. How was Prinz’s experience with the “Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey’s Circus” different from his parents?

A) Prinz’s experience with the “Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus” is different from his parents because he had never seen anything like it before. It made him a world of mystery and wonder and he was amazed by it

2.What are the three bodily symptoms Prinz postulates as components of wonder?

A) The three bodily symptoms Prinz associates as components of wonder are rolling of the eyes, the second is suspension in your breathe, and the third is the swelling of your heart.

3.How does Francis Bacon consider wonder?

A) Wonder to Francis Bacon was a broken knowledge and a mystified incomprehension that science was able to cure

4.Describe one moment in your life you experienced wonder. Use imagery and figurative language.

A) One moment in my life I experienced wonder was the first time I remember flying on a plane. I was 6 years old and I was flying to Australia. When the plane was about to take off I didn’t think it would work but the plane started getting faster and I felt the wheels leave the ground and felt the plane start racing towards the sky. When we were in the air I could not believe it. I looked out the window and watched the everything on the ground get smaller and smaller. It felt like I was a million miles off the ground. I started to worry about the plane crashing and my heart was beating as fast as a race car. I watched as we got further away from the ground and started to head into the clouds. The sky was a beautiful blue with clouds like cotton candy and the light from the sun was shinning through the window. It felt magical and I almost couldn’t believe I was flying. When we stopped inclining I sat back in my chair in awe. I felt like I was floating in space. I looked to the window as we were flying over the ocean. The white caps on the water looked like mini mountains on the pure, blue water. I had never seen the ocean from this view before and it looked huge. It looked as though it would never end. 

     The beginning of this unit was really fun and I can’t wait to do the rest of it.

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