Florida Documentary

Hello everyone welcome back to another blog post this ones about what the whole main about going to Florida if you read the one before you know I went to Florida, but if your reading this for the first time I went to Florida. 

The start

So the start of the project was going over the start of Walt Disney and Disney land and world. At the start we made craft Documents called templates and we had to make a template about basically everything we learned at the start. I think one of the best parts of the start of this project was doing the book reading as a class we had to make fleeting notes about the little facts we heard and the important stuff as well. “LIFE” was the book name I highly recommend it if thou want to learn about Walt. I found that when I went to Disney world I new everything that Walt built and it just changed my aspect on Disney. Before we went to Florida we made are groups and picked the main thing we wanted to do, my group was all about Animatronics another group was about the cast members Im pretty sure. So obviously are main focus of are documentary is filming about talking about the very cool animatronics in Disney World. Of course we did not go to Florida just with nothing in are head, so my job was to get B-roll but there might have been a bit of a mistake on my part and the communication with my group, but I filmed maybe like half of my B-roll in hamburger style and not hotdog style so I could only send like half. But anyways are plan was to film literally all the animatronic but then bring it down to a couple of animatronics to talk about. In the video that you will see there are like old clips and Walt talking that was already planned before the trip took place. So there was a lot of planning going on but also it was easier to just film everything then put it all together. 


So there is not much stuff to talk about when we where is Florida because for me my whole mission was to film B-roll yes interviews or nothing just strictly B-roll of Animatronics. So animatronics if you don’t know are machines that can talk move and act like the specific thing but it is not, Im pretty sure that Walt was one of the first people that came up with the Animatronics and used them in the way that he used them. The start of the animatronics where the Enchanted Tiki room at animal kingdom, this was a idea because he was going to New Orleans and saw a talking bird in a cage and sparked the idea of making a dinner with Animatronic birds, but then Walt realized that the creation was to good for a dinner and bumped the price up 30 cents or whatever and made it a attraction. Then one of the more classics at the Park is the Haunted mansion at Magic Kingdom, this was the first time they used projected animatronics and made them sort of like an special Effect but felt like real life. At first we wanted to use the Haunted Mansion as a part of are Project, the the teacher said that it was not convenient to film in because of so dark and not really the animatronics that we where doing for are project. 

The video 



The main Idea   

So the main Idea in this project was Yes to film and talk about the animatronics but also to show how far Disney has came from the Tiki room being the best to then having a million dollar animatronic that you only saw for a couple of seconds. If you watch the video you will see at the start it is a montage of the start of the Disney castle from years to years, starting from the oldest to the youngest. Then there was certain sections will be talk to a different and animatronics from Lincoln to the baby Groot that is in creation. 

Thank you guys for watching and reading today hope you guys enjoyed.

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