Science blog post

🏎️ How does electricity shape our society and how can we generate it more sustainably🏎️ I made this infographic by looking up cool facts about nuclear energy, like what it is, how it makes electricity, its history, and how it affects the world. I put all the info into neat sections so it’s easy to […]


Revolution blog post

🏎️What Factors Precipitate ‘Revolution’ and How Have They Shaped the Modern World?🏎️ Revolutions emerge from oppression, inequality, and shifts in ideology. They have played a crucial role in shaping the modern world by promoting democracy, advancing rights, and changing power dynamics. Animal farm we were assigned to read the novel Animal Farm. As we read, […]



🏎️ how might we learn video skills by recreating a short film🏎️ By recreating the short film it made our editing and filming skills better so we can make better and bigger film because of doing a shorter and easier version to make use more prepared to make a bigger one  My learning  I learned […]


Alberta trip

ALBERTA TRIP It was so much fun and learning about the cool stuff there was really fun and especially the hikes even though they were hard but really fun and we also interviewed people to put in a video and talk about the ten essentials of hiking and we also had to find the best […]



My name is Cole Webb. I’m gonna talk about three main projects and my understanding and learning about them. I picked these three main behaviours for each project For agency, I picked accepting feedback. For preparation, I picked at school learning.  For Self regulation, I picked focussing in class. My first project was Destination Imagination, […]


Small but mighty

Small but mighty  🚘 “How does our Knowledge of cell biology contribute to public health?🚘 In this blog post, I will be showing what I did in the assignment we did and I will show my progress on it and how I felt about it Field journal  In this project we grew bacteria in a […]


Echos of colonization blog post

Hello this is my echoes of colonization blog post and we will be talking about my past assignments And what was challenging about them and aslo worked for me. Echoes of colonization was learningabout the indigenous people and how they got there land taken away from them.  Indigenous case study This was our first assignment of […]



Mpol INTRO Hello and welcome to my first mpol Im presenting my overall growth as a learner Declaration of Learning “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest […]