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Growth Mindset Summative Blog Post

Hi, and welcome to my blog. If you’re new here, I use this page to write about my learning experiences in school. Today I will be reviewing one of my recent “projects”- My Growth Mindset Journal. The reason why I quote “project” is because it wasn’t really a  priority and there was no hand in deadline for our assignments. We were assigned to create a book about growth mindset and our experiences with it in and out of school. First of all, I should explain what growth mindset even is.

A mindset is the way in which we think. The growth and fixed are 2 types of mindsets. To have a growth mindset would mean to be flexible in which you can learn anything you want to: you take risks, your not afraid of failure, and you learn from failure instead of giving up. You give everything you got to anything you have.You show grit and determination. A fixed mindset means you’re a defeatist: you don’t show determination, and you’re afraid or never been exposed to failure. You think you’re good at something if your not.

So one of the things I have to talk about here is what we had to do to get to our final book creator book and what our thinking process was through out this project. We used a lot of videos and articles for reference to create our book. At the end of each session, we had to answer questions for each reflection that we would put into our book. We either created a list or a chart about personal times where we felt a growth mindset in school, sports, or just everyday scenarios.

This is one of the videos we referenced:


We had 4 Reflections which means that we had about six pages in our book (plus two for introductions). This might seem short, but it’s all about the process and the learning. The books are just a representation or a way of showing our learning. So here’s my book, be sure to check it out!

 In conclusion, even though we visited this project twice every week, it was still a great way to learn about growth mindset and how to create a book using the book creator app.
Published inStudent blogging challenge

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