Historical explanation

New ideas in the Renaissance changed the world by introducing new revolutionary ideas that changed the world overtime. The 3 main ideas the Renaissance introduced were clocks, spectacles with two lenses, and the printing press. I found these main ideas in the textbook pages in Basecamp.

Traditional ideas people had before the Renaissance were uneducated and biased. They would use different methods of telling time since they didn’t have clocks yet, this consisted of using the water and sun to tell the time but it wasn’t very accurate. Before printing press was invented they would use woodblock printing which was a method of printing text on textiles and paper. Since glasses weren’t invented before the Renaissance a lot of people would have a hard time in everyday life because they wouldn’t be able to see.

The new ideas from the Renaissance changed my world. The ideas that were introduced evolved overtime into things I use everyday. Now whenever I wanna know what time it is I can just look on my phone. Math textbooks help me with my math because inside it shows you how to do the material your working on. My iPad is very important to me because I can read instead of looking at a book which evolved from printing press.

Ideas from Europe and Asia changed the world because over time the big things that were created in the Renaissance turned into things that mostly everybody uses in everyday life. In general I think that life would be a lot harder with most of them.

my triptych:


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