Welcome back to my blog! In the second Humanities project of my grade 10 year, we learned all about World War II. Historical Significance The main focus of the project was using evidence to support arguments, but we also learned about historical significance. I really expanded my idea of how events influence our everyday lives,…
The Art of Conversation
Hello, and welcome to the first post of my Grade 10 year. This year started of great, but I can already feel its a lot tougher than Grade 9. The year started off with project called “This Is Us 🇨🇦”, so let’s jump right into it! What’s the Big Idea? The idea of this project…
Amusing Museums
In the last project of the year, we learned all about World War One. We learned about how theres contrast between the glory and the gore found in WW1. Making a Museum The final product of this project was to create a museum exhibit to present at the spring exhibition. My topic was internment camps,…
TPol 2023
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and…
MPOL 2023:
Hello everyone, welcome to my midterm presentation of learning. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities…
Operation: Innovation
Hello! The contents of this post will shock you! How does electricity help shape our society and how can we generate it more sustainably? This project was all about electricity. We learnt about different sources of energy, and how to make a circuit. We learnt about Voltage, Current, and Resistance. Having a positive energy. Electricity…
The Peasants are Revolting!
Revolutions are something that’s happened many times over the course of history. They’ve brought down empires, and risen new ones in there place. In this humanities project, I learn’t all about how revolutions are caused, and how they are powerful forms of change. How did revolutions bring down empires and change societies around the world?…
AVATAR: A Reflection of Our World
James Camerons “Avatar” is a movie that had ground-breaking success during its time, but it also explored many themes that are very important to talk about. During the 2022 Winter Exhibition, we explored those themes through the lens of videography. The Driving Question ”What does James Cameron’s fantasy world of avatar reveal about our society…
Vibrant Videos
Hey! Guess what I spent the last few weeks in Maker doing? I’ve been making movies! No, not that kind of movie! I’m talking about a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images. You know, the things you watch on Netflix from time to time. Today, I’ll be showing you…
The Peasants are Revolting!
Hello! Welcome back to my blog. This week in Humanities, we did something pretty neat: A simulation. Our class was split into four groups. A large majority of the students were put into group A, which were the peasants. A smaller portion of people, (me included) were put into group B, which were the people…