How I’m A Poet And Didn’t Even Know It

To finish off the first term, PLP 11 completed a unit combining Star Wars with poetry, guided by the driving question: How can we use poetry to reflect our perspectives on people, places, issues and beliefs? Our goal for the project was to learn how this question can be answered through learning about the poets…

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Our Beautiful Backyard

The best field study to date, PLP 10’s Trip around B.C. was truly an experience I will never forget. There were so many amazing aspects to this trip that amazed me, however there was one in particular that inspired me more than anything; the natural beauty.  B.C. is world-famous for its natural attractions, but as…

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Disregarding Doubt

IIf you have been following my blog since the beginning, by now you may have seen a pattern in terms of what kind of work I, alongside my classmates, are doing at certain times of the year. Within PLP there are a few annual traditions that we always know are coming, yet they still remain…

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Shin Shields

As you may know, at the end of each year, PLP holds an exhibition where we, the students, showcase our Blue Sky project. The idea behind Blue Sky is to create a product that solves a problem. Our job is to come up with a question, or problem, and decide how we should go about…

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