Making Movies

There are many students making movies around the school using the school iPads. From what I am hearing, their priorities are:

  1. Find a quiet place to film
  2. Collaborate on the script and production values
  3. Assign roles to the teams of four or five students
  4. Film each other as per the script
  5. Ensure there is enough material recorded to make the blooper film for the end.

Actually, from the sounds of a few groups, I think that the blooper film might be the first priority for many groups. 🙂

Having fun while working cooperatively. What a great idea.

Take care

Using Pictures

ClevCollageAs I wander around the school, I carry my iPhone with me and snap pictures of the many different activities I see. A lot happens in a typical week, and sometimes a picture can assist in telling stories.


Letter Beads – in one of our Kindergarten classes, students today were having to sort out beads and find the letters N, O, P, Q, R, S, T and make a bracelet out of them. Letter recognition takes time to learn. These students did an excellent job, and are learning how to say the letters in French. Thank you to the parents for donating to the enrichment fund that allows teachers to be creative and buy classroom supplies like these beads.

Growing Plants – in one of our grade 2/3 classes, students have partnered up to create mini terrariums. The are sitting on a counter top facing East. I am curious about how much growth will occur over the next few weeks.

The Giver project – one of our grade 6/7 classes read The Giver (by Louis Lowry) and created many interesting projects to demonstrate their understanding of the book. One project featured a hand-crafted house.

Creative Students and iPads – we have several students making use of iPads to create movies to teach concepts or to celebrate learning. Michelle is using an iPad camera to  record her classmates who are acting out the script they wrote. Thanks PAC for funding the purchase of our iPads.

Half a Basketball – a few weeks ago we had a basketball blow up. One of our grade 7 boys slammed the ball on the gym floor, and “BOOM!”, it exploded. No one was hurt, but we were all surprised. The two halves became a prop for some fun. We are working on getting a replacement ball.

That’s all for today.

Take care

Kindness Day

Thanks to Charlotte and Kristen for sharing the following with our school today over the public address system.

Today we celebrate World Kindness Day.  We want Cleveland to celebrate by demonstrating acts of kindness towards everyone.

Kindness starts with me. I can make a difference by demonstrating kindness at all times. We can all make a difference.

Here are a few quotes to help you get ready for being kind every day:

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” ~ Mark Twain

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” ~ Aesop

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou

Today we challenge Cleveland students and adults to demonstrate kind acts daily.

  • Kindness in actions
  • Kindness in words
  • Kindness in thoughts

Let’s make every day World Kindness day at Cleveland.


Let’s all model the way and be role models for the children. Can we help make everyday a Kindness day?

Take care