Dylan’s Sleep Deprived Blog

Category Humanities

Case For a Nation

Hey, all, It’s me, Dylan. Today, I’ll be writing about our latest project in Humanities, Case For a Nation. This was a really interesting and very immersive project. I was very excited for this project and it far exceeded my… Continue Reading →

Loon Lake Learning R̴̴e̴̴t̴̴r̴̴e̴̴a̴̴t̴ Advance

Hey all, It’s me again. Today, I’ll be writing about our latest PLP trip to Loon Lake! This trip started on Feb 14th, and lasted until Feb 17th. We called it an advance, because we never retreat! The trip started… Continue Reading →

Working With Words

Hi there, everybody! It’s me again. I probably don’t need to specify that anymore, since nobody else has the password to my blog44 account and I’m not planning on giving it to anyone either. I digress. To be honest, when… Continue Reading →

Viva la Revolution!

Hey there! Dylan here. Again. Today, as usual, I’ll be talking about our latest project for humanities, Revolutions on Trial. This was a very interesting and enjoyable project. I’ve always been interested in learning about revolutions and have usually just… Continue Reading →

People and the Environment

Hello again! As the first Humanities project this school year, this one was quite fun. Our driving question was “How do people and the environment affect each other?”. We started off this project by watching a video about a man… Continue Reading →

The More Things Change – Project Reflection

Hi again! Welcome back to my blog. Today, I’m going to talk about our most recent project, The More Things Change. Our driving question was “what did European settlement mean for all the people involved?”. To answer the driving question,… Continue Reading →

Argh Matey!

Hello again! Today, I’m going to be reflecting on our last unit, Argh Matey. We learned about the age of exploration and about pirates and privateers. We started the unit by watching the movie Captain Phillips, starring Tom Hanks. For… Continue Reading →

Growth Mindset

Recently in school, we have been focusing a lot on having a “growth mindset”. We have been keeping a Growth Mindset Journal too, to keep track of our growth mindsets. But to understand what all of that means, we first… Continue Reading →

How It Started/How It’s Going: Project Reflection

Hi, again. It’s me, Dylan. Today, I’m going to be talking about our latest project, How It Started/How It’s Going. It was a really cool project and I enjoyed going back to humanities after a quarter of Scimatics and French…. Continue Reading →

The Medium Is The Message Final Blog Post

Ok. Wow. The Medium is the Message is finally over, and it was really fun. Learning about designing ads was especially cool. The driving question of the project was “How does what we see, hear and read influence us?”. I… Continue Reading →

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