Hellloo and welcome back to my blog! Now today is a special post and important because it’s T-POLs time! For those who don’t know what a T-POL is let me give you a quick explanation. A T-POL stands for transitional presentation of learning. T-POLs are the way to fully reflect on the learning, improving, and challenges in the year. It has been a while since we have done T-POLs since covid last year kind of messed things up. But we are back and I’m ready.
This T-POL is going to be focused on the improvement I made over grade 11. First point I want to say is this year has been difficult for me, I’ve had a lot of events happen that held me back quite a bit and effected me long term. With that said I feel I have held together and accomplished a lot given my situation. It has been a tough year, but I’m proud of the achievements I made and goals I completed.
To take a step back and truly answer the question for this years T-POLs: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? Let’s talk about the goals I made in my M-POLs.
I know the goals I made were strong and important. One of the goals I set was: I will keep my organization skills up and work hard to try and meet the next level of the “profiles” in my Learning Plan. I feel I had a rocky year with my organization and staying on top of work. Although the project I feel I most improved on this goal was the Sounds of Poetry project. With this project we worked on studying poetry and the concept behind some poems and song lyrics. We then chose 5 songs that reflected you, you could interpret that in anyway you wanted. I chose to pick my songs based on how I have many moods and “personalities” I experience daily. I want to express how my mind is a little bit different, and works it’s own way. This project I truly enjoyed because I felt free to express myself, and I didn’t hold back.
I did well with staying on top of assignments as well as completely the main component on time and in good quality. I feel confident saying this was the project I improved most on my organization goal.
The next goal I set in my M-POLs was: I’m going to work on my time management and organization skills so I can use my time most efficiently. The project I found most challenging for this goal was the persuasive text project. The project was to choose a topic you agree on and an audience that has the opposite opinion to that topic, and then write an essay convincing them of your side. I struggled a lot with this project because I had a really hard time thinking of a topic I was confident enough about to write a whole essay about to convince my audience. Overall I feel I could have preformed much better with this project. I’m not fully satisfied with how I used this goal. I’m not going to lie, this goal was difficult and I didn’t improve on it how I wanted. Which again, given my situation I won’t beat myself up for. I’ve struggled quite a bit in the past with time management and using my time well. It’s always been a challenge for me for as long as I can remember. And probably will always effect me. But it’s how I learn to manage and continue on with improving, that’s so important.
If you asked me in the beginning of the year if I thought I would be happy and accomplished by the end of grade 11, I would have told you that’s impossible. But I’m happy to say I am. This year, although it was extremely difficult, I also learnt a lot about myself as a learner. Which is very important if you ask any PLP teacher. Now to clearly answer our T-POL question: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? Even though I didn’t improve on my goals for physical work or time management. I know I’ve improved as a person, student, and as a learner. I’ve learn how I can help myself when times get tough in school, and straight up just how my brain works, which I know will be helpful for next year. With what I’ve gone through the past year, I’m glad I’m in the place I’m in now. I feel ready and excited for new improvements next year. I’ve collected a lot of knowledge over this year, and reflecting during writing this, I can say in confidence, I will make new goals and accomplish all the goals I had set. I know next year will be a challenge, and quite scary. But I am ready to learn and excited for the path ahead of me.
Thank you so very much for listening to my T-POLs today! See you next year!
~ Emily!