Emily’s Blog

Just Imagine

Spring Exhibition

Hello, in this blog post I am going to talk about our Blue Sky projects for the the Spring Exhibition. This project was very fun but stressful but I think that I did pretty well.  We had to follow the… Continue Reading →

Colonizing in a Tempest

This blog post is all about our latest Humanities project, Colonizing in a Tempest. Everything we did in this project all leaded up to our class preforming tableaus that answer our driving question. The driving question was how can we… Continue Reading →


This blog post is about my tPOL presentation. It is similar to mPOLs but it stands for transitional presentation of learning instead of mid-year presentation of learning. You can read about my mPOL post here. Humanities First in Humanities I… Continue Reading →

PGP Time Machine

For this blog post I will be talking about my PGP Time Machine project. In this project we had to make something that if we could take back in time would have helped us. We had to make it about… Continue Reading →

Destination Imagination Provincials

This blog post is all about the Destination Imagination provincial tournament. You can also read my last post which was about the DI regional tournament. This tournament we wanted to have more time to practice and also improve as much… Continue Reading →

Destination Imagination Regionals

This term in Maker we have been working on something called Destination Imagination or DI for short. In DI you have a team and you have to create a solution to your challenge. There were 5 challenges that my class… Continue Reading →

It’s the end of the World as we know it

For this project we learned about the crusades, read a novel and re wrote the lyrics to a song. The driving question was how has moving from elementary school to secondary school challenged your worldview. On the first day when… Continue Reading →


Hi, for this blog post we will be talking about mPOLs (mid-year presentation of learning). mPOLs are something you do in PLP to show how you are learning. It it kind of like a student led conference where you reflect… Continue Reading →

Winter Exhibition

In December 2018 my class was a part of the Winter Exhibition. The Winter Exhibition was an evening where students in the PLP program set up stations about a project they have done. My class did a project all about… Continue Reading →

SBC Week 10

The Student Blogging Challenge was super fun! My favourite weeks were definitely week 4: emojis, week 7: your choice and finally week 8: celebrations and festivals. I really enjoyed making my emoji game. I also liked week 7 because we… Continue Reading →

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