Hello, in this blog post I am going to talk about our Blue Sky projects for the the Spring Exhibition. This project was very fun but stressful but I think that I did pretty well. 

We had to follow the LAUNCH cycle while we were working on our projects. LAUNCH stands for look, listen and learn, ask a ton of questions, understand the problem, navigate ideas, create a prototype and highlight and fix.

In the L phase we had to look, listen and learn by completing a few challenges like the first one which was listing some specific issues you care about. Next, in the A phase we had to ask a ton of questions by completing a need to know chart and an action plan. At this point, we had to make a pitch form saying what we wanted to do for our project.

After that, to understand the problem we had to have primary sources and secondary sources. For that I did a survey of my class and interviewed my parents since they are cat owners. Under navigate ideas we had to group and bundle ideas. That meant that we had to come up with possible ideas and put them into groups, for me this was mini toys and whole thing. The next part of LAUNCH was create a prototype. We had to create rapid prototypes and live prototypes. For my rapid prototypes I made some sketches, a mini cardboard model and an animation. For my live prototypes I started to work on my cat play centre. I was pretty happy with how it turned out but as I was working on it I knew there was a few things I needed to change. By now I am at the H phase, I have a chance to fix the things that need fixing. Some of those things included changing catnip out for mice toys with catnip and moving the feather forward more so the fan would make it spin better. Now that I have finished building it was time to test it on the cats.

The cats seemed happy with their new toy so now I just had to prepare for the night of the exhibition. It is always a bit stressful preparing but it always turns out ok. I enjoy participating in the exhibitions and I am pretty happy with how it turned out.