Built To Last

My group and I just finished DI, probably one of our most significant, most stressful projects. If you don’t know how Destination imagination works, it’s a challenge where you get tasked to complete one of 4 challenges engineering, science, fine arts and technology. In DI, you compete against kids worldwide; this year was a little different because of Covid-19. We had to create a video and submit that.

I got engineering; in this challenge, we had to create a 3D model of a building with two or more purpose features; purpose Features are design elements that help the building better fulfill its purpose. The 2 Purpose Features may be as simple or complex as your team chooses. The purpose features we choose were exercise and entertainment as we built a community centre. Another thing we to do before we made our building was thought of an art style, and an architectural style and two different ways to show each one in our story and build; we chose to make a post-modern architectural style by showing up different shapes and colours that represent postmodernism and then for art style decided to do first nations art, and we made a totem pole and a mural to show the First Nations art styles

We had much planned in DI to get to our final result; we split our group into different roles to finish other things quickly and efficiently on our first few days. Some of the jobs were Team manager in charge of all the work organization and ensuring everyone’s doing something. The presentation manager thinks about how we will act out in the story; the material manager finds what materials we will use and find them. The money manager works with the materials manager to fit everything into the budget. The technical element managers control the video editing and recording of the video and all the little tech things. The base camp organizer holds our Basecamp project to communicate and put everything we’ve completed; the script manager makes the script they sure the story goes smoothly. Those are all the jobs we had in DI; creating these jobs helped us stay more organized.

Basecamp helped us throughout this whole project as we could communicate as a group and post our progress; we could also put forms we needed to sign and different steppingstones and milestones we needed to complete

We had many challenges and ups and downs with the story and script, and we had to go through multiple different drafts. A few drafts didn’t flow that well; some drafts weren’t good because we didn’t communicate with a group, and a few didn’t work out because we didn’t have a solid idea of the story. Another challenge was building the building; a huge mistake we made as we left the building a few days before we had to hand DI in, so my group and I had to stay at school for five multiple days in a row. Still, we eventually got it done in the end, and we were happy about it. We also had a lack of Communication in our group as we gave last-minute notices to events and problems. I felt we could better improve this by using Basecamp more often.

Finally, we were almost done. All we had to do was film the video and film a q & a video. We spent three long days filming all the different video scenes, thinking of where we film it, what costumes we wore and how we edited. We had to refill multiple shots as we wanted it as good as possible until finally, we finished it.

Overall I think DI was a brilliant experience and helped me develop teamwork and Communication. I also feel like we could improve some things, such as planning ahead of time and not doing work at is last minute


You can watch our video here

You can watch our Q&A video here

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