Estherā€™s Insights

My Rocky Mountain Adventure! šŸ”ļø

Crystal blue lakes, huge Rocky Mountains, cool white glaciers. Thatā€™s what I think of when I remember Alberta. In September, we started a new project in humanities on the geography of the west. Our driving question is ā€˜how does the geography of the west shape who we are?ā€™ To answer this question, we decided to go to Alberta, and see for ourselves and learn about the wonders of the Rockies. To make sure that all of our information was in one place, we had to fill out our book creator field study journals. In the book, we had a page for each stop we went to, as well as sections explaining what geography is, what made and makes the west, and what the 5 themes of geography is. The book has information in the form of text, voice notes, photos, videos, and even a comic strip which you can see below.

My 5 Themes of Geography Comic Strip

I worked on this book both on the trip, and at home, and worked on perfecting it for all the readers that will learn from it. Iā€™m so grateful that I was given this opportunity to be able to go to the place that I was learning about to really experience it and understand it better. To be completely honest, I didnā€™t really enjoy making this book, because I only wanted to focus on having fun on the trip, instead of worrying about getting the information I needed to put on my book. But every time I felt like that, I reminded myself that I was on a filed study trip, not a vacation with friends.

How Does the Geography of the West Shape Who We Are?

Now that I have been to Alberta and I was able to experience everything myself, I think that I can answer the question ā€˜how does the geography of the west shape who we are?ā€™ I think that the geography of the west shapes our lives through itā€™s climate that we had to adapt to, and the change of resources that we had to use. The geography of the Rockies, with all of itā€™s mountains, lakes, and glaciers are like no other, which makes the culture and people different from other communities. The evidence to my thinking can be found below in my book.

My Field Study Journal:


Iā€™m very proud of my work, but something that I would do differently next time would be to make it more aesthetically pleasing. I had all the information that I needed on this book, but the way I formatted it was quite plain. Even thought I wonā€™t make it my main focus, next time I want to at least make an effort to make it a little more aesthetically pleasing. Enjoy reading my book, and I hope that you learn just as much as I did about the Rocky Mountains! (P.S. To discover more about my video project, click here!)

Esther • October 12, 2023

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